Sorry for being such a slacker. I exist and so does Huddy.
He is a big boy of 7 months now, but let's do his 6 month post first.
At 6 months:
Huddy has:
- 2 teeth! The first popped up the Sunday May 6th and the second Wednesday May 9. Teething was rough. Sinus infection, our first sickness. Rash. Very clingy. Slight Fever the Friday before. Awful stuff.
- An obsession with pulling hair. He does it to pull himself to you, pull you towards him, and just for the heck of it.
- Biting. Fun stuff. Luckily, he has done very well about not biting while nursing. (commence the knocking on wood)
- Been snuck into the ICU via a Moby wrap and a tall cousin. shame on us but he needed to see his Graham Cracker.
- Grandma. LOTS!
- Graham Cracker. She has spent the last month going from Hospital to Rehab Center and back to the Hospital. Huddy does NOT like that. He prefers to see her every 2 weeks for shopping.
- His Happy Napper. No clue what it is from, but it is a penguin Graham Cracker got him and it sings a very annoying song that he loves very much.
- Skinny-Marinky-Dinky-Dink
- Broccoli. It is his favorite food. Second fave is steak.
- Standing.
- Shots. We delayed his 6 month shots until 7 months because he does the hold-my-breath-till-i-turn-blue-thing. I hate that.
- Mean voices. Grandma growled as she told a story and he cried. I guess that means we don't yell enough in this house? 90% of our yelling is play so yeah, probably his issue. But when I yell "Moose! I am going to put you in the washing machine!" and then George yells "F*** you" every few minutes when he is playing video games, our neighbors probably think we are disfunctional as can be.
- When Daddy works past bedtime. NOT okay anymore. (Daddy goes to 2nd shift next week, this is going to suck)
- Baby food. We are doing BLW but we thought we'd try baby food. He isn't a fan. Pretty sure it is a texture thing since he actually puked when I gave him mashed potatoes.
- The CAR! He hates having to sit back in his carseat. The lounging isn't cool once you master sitting up. I bribe him with car keys and then pray he sleeps. Otherwise, I go through a bag of 15 or so toys in the 15 minute car ride to my mother's.
7 months!
- He is STANDING. By himself.
- Okay, he STOOD by himself for 10 seconds, 5 seconds, 8 seconds, 7 seconds and 11 seconds in the last few days. I am guessing he will be walking by 10 months.
- He refuses to crawl. At all. He makes it obvious that he CAN he just chooses not to. Heck, he can climb.
- Speaking of climbing. You know where he does most of his climbing at? My bed. Our bed I guess. Daddy started encouraging this (yes, DADDY) when Huddy went through a stage where he only slept 1 hour at a time (like a month long growth spurt) between nursing. Then it became him sleeping the first 4-6 hours in his bed and then the rest in our bed. No biggie since Daddy leaves at 5 am. It is now to the point where his crib is sidecarred to our bed and he sleeps maybe an hour a night in it. I like having him sleep in our room. LOVE it. I don't like him in our bed. At all. LOVE snuggles. But I like to spread out and toss and turn and wiggle! This is no longer allowed.