The stats
- 5 weeks, 5 days old
- Rolled from back to belly
- Refuses to sleep on back still, and if put on side, rolls to belly, so the doctor said to stop freaking out and just let him sleep how he wants.
- Sleeps on belly. LOVES it.
- Sleeps 2-3.5 hours at night.
- LOVES BATH TIME! Seriously, we bathe together and he swims and gets mad when I hold his head so he can't dunk himself.
- He had his first social smile when I attacked him with smooches at 3.5 weeks.
- He laughed in his sleep at 4 weeks. Laughed while awake at 4 weeks, also after being attacked with kisses.
- Laughed as George and I laughed this morning-not sure if these laughs are real but he seems to do them at appropriate times.
- Smiles when he sees a boob. What straight man doesn't?
- Hates a diaper change. Especially if it is on his changing table.
- Can BURST a diaper within 2 hours. With pee. Huggies are the worst. Pampers are okay. But Seventh Generation are the best. Luvs are also okay. But not at night. They can't handle a stomach sleeper at all.
- The doctor called him a "social genius" because he is so far ahead socially. He smiled at her and said "ah-goo" "kay" "goog" and held his paci for her.
- He holds a rattle.
- loves baby keys
- is watching me type this because he feels he needs to be in my arms now.
- loves his Moby and only lets me shop if i use it or hold him.
- hates his carseat until the car moves, then he sleeps like
- i cant eat fruit at all. tomato is a fruit so bye bye pizza.
- he has acid reflux and me eating anything acidic kills him
- no colic, just the pukes and has to work really hard to poop.
- seriousl loves kisses
- his daddy gave the okay and tomorrow, he gets to meet his paternal great grandparents, grandma and aunt.
- his mouth and poop smell like sour milk.
- frequently called the hungry hungry hippo
he is now done letting me type this. i'll try to update more often