Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pregnancy in Fertiles and Infertiles

I dont think fertiles understand pregnancy at all. "I have had an easy pregnancy!" Really? Great! But don't tell me how easy it was to get pregnant and how easy pregnancy has been for you. Life just seems too easy for you and I want to smack you.

Getting pregnant. For us herbal supplements worked. I just wish I had known this 3 years ago.

Staying pregnant. When I bled at 13 weeks, I was convinced it was over. It wasn't a large amount of blood, but I have started every miscarriage with blood, so even seeing a little told me it was over. Luckily, it wasn't. Then I got kidney stones. And heard "distress". Which is never a good word for a pregnant woman to hear. Since then nothing immediately dangerous for Huddy has come along. But I have worried, every single day.

I haven't have a difficult pregnancy by any means. Just not an easy one. I have pubic dysfunction and my pelvis started moving before it should have, I had cysts driving me crazy my entire first trimester, I had a lumber injury back in 09 that I never really got taken care of that flared back up and pinched my sciatic nerve and I didn't sleep properly for 20 weeks.

I also had some adjustments to make. I was a 1 snack a day and one or two meals a day kind of girl. Suddenly eating every few hours confused the hell out of me.

Nothing major. But the first half of pregnancy was not "easy" and the second half has just been uncomfortable.

For my fertile friend, besides swollen ankles she has had no issues. I swell anytime I am in the heat, and have since about 16 weeks, and I get heat rash at least once a week. These things don't even register on my radar as something to worry about. Honestly, compared to the feeling of my legs going numb, or the shooting sciatica pain, they don't bother me at all.

This woman had her glucose 2 weeks before I had my early screen. She thought "no big deal" and just went to work without eating and then had her glucose on her lunch break. Only by then, she hadn't ate in 12 hours and she couldn't figure out why she suddenly felt faint and spent the next week hurling. She is going to an OBGYN who hasone of the highest ceasarean section rates in our area. Why? "Everyone in my family has used him." And everyone in your family has cried over the destroyed vision for labor when they were told they weren't progressing and needed a c section.

Do fertiles not think? Or research?

Our practice (which has midwives and then 1 doctor on call for emergencies or high risk deliveries) has the lowest rate for c sections in our area, in fact, it is 25% less than the practice with the 2nd lowest rate. She is going to a hospital that has NO NICU, nothing. AT ALL! Basically, if anything goes wrong with that baby, he will be put on a chopper and sent either to a different hospital or flown the hour (hour by car) to the Children's Hospital. If Huddy has any issues, the smaller ones will be dealt with at the hospital (both our 1st and 2nd choices have NICU's) or if it is more severe, he will be flown to the same Children's hospital. Why choose this hospital fertile friend? "It is where my step mother in law works".

Oh, and I did check out her baby registry the other day. She registered for 7 types of bubble bath. For a baby registry. All of her requests were the most expensive items in the store. Besides soaps, clothes and such, nothing on her registry was under $120. I showed George, who worked hard to make sure everyone can afford something from our registry, and he nearly died. He said it was a good thing I forgot to give her our address, because we couldn't have afford her shower anyway.

Okay, sorry for the super long vent about stupid things. I was just annoyed.

Oh, and they're naming their child after a VERY famous teen mom.

Today I went shopping. I returned a dress, and got a dress. But while trying this dress on, I realized, in my current bra, I look like I dont have a bra on. These things were wiggling every which way. And I have large breasts. Even when I weighed in at 116 lbs, I had DD's. Now they are a large DDD. Before pregnancy, it was a 38 DDD. Now it is a 44 DDD. I gained girth. Odd. Now for the challenge, find a store that carries 44 DDD in nursing bras. In store.
You can't. I have tried 2 malls.
So, Penny's as my Grandma calls it, ordered some for me online and since the lady felt sympathetic, she put in codes to take $6 off each bra. Which paid for shipping! So, in 2 weeks, I will have well supported girls! And nursing bras. I bought 2 cheapies that came in a 2 pack for night wearing and for the birthing tub, and then one more expensive one for every day wear. If I like them, I will buy more, but since I can't try them on, I didn't want to get too many. The downside is the look. They didn't have any good looking ones in my size. So, it is an ugly, granny looking nude one. The night time ones are grey and black.

Here is my challenge for you, find me a nursing bra, with supportive shoulder straps, that can still look attractive, in a 44 DDD.

I still don't like that 44. 38 is much better. It better go down after I finish nursing.

I watched birth videos. For 2 hours yesterday. I have decided the water birth looks cleaner, and calmer. I feel good about my choice. Let's hope everything goes as planned!

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