Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010


Yes, these needed two separate posts.

I resolve in 2011
  • to lose a pound a week. At least until I get my BFP.
  • to do pilates more than once a week and actually finish the work out, not just get exhausted after 20 minutes and give up.
  • continue my Natural Hair Care quest, that thanks to Jen has changed my hair forever
  • to continue using all natural products whenever possible
  • to continue to only use 12 rolls of paper towels every 6 months
  • to buy more reusable bags
  • Continue using TASTE OF THE WILD for my dogs
  • start buying herbs (my cats destroy them whenever i try to grow any)
  • make my own pregnancy tea
  • make my own fertility tea
  • find a new job
  • go back to school
  • send husband back to school


And This I Swear,



January-Finally over h1n1
February-Miscarried. Watched a woman I took care of die. Mental Breakdown
March-Watched the woman who truly taught me how to mother someone die. She had downs syndrome.
April-Lost my job due to medical issues BFN
May-started learning about blogs. Another woman I took care of died BFN
June-One year wedding anniversary. BFN Found out Grandpa was dying. Got new job
July-Grandpa died. Loved new job. BFN
August-hated new job. BFN
September-started working under new boss. Found out she was pregnant. She miscarried. BFN
October-Vacay. Got promotion. New boss, who by then was my bets friend quit. BFN
November-hated job. BFN at beginning of month. got employee from hell. 2 year anniversary of ttc
December-BFP red blood 9 hours later, totally gone by next morning. Had birthday. Old boss told me she is pregnant. Very happy for her, but cant stand how jealous i am. Big Big Boss lady goes over the fact that i missed 3 days for my miscarriage and in the same phone call tells me she is pregnant. With number 2. Bite me Hoebag!

So to sum it all up, I will not miss you 2010. You were the year from HELL!

But, as one of the developmentally delayed gentlemen i cared for always said "G'God, I am lookin' up"

So here is to 2011! May it bring baby dust to all, and forever be known as the year I got my baby. God Bless Everyone and may all your hopes and dreams for 2011 come true!


Monday, December 20, 2010


There is an elipse tonight. I will be staying up to watch it. With coffee. I hated caffeine my entire life. It has never been a big thing in my life. For the last 6 months I have consumed maybe 10 caffeinated beverages. Seven of those have been since my miscarriage. All French Vanilla. YUM!

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Tale of Two Text Messages.

Wednesday morning i woke up, went to the bathroom, got ready and went to my employees house. Then I used her bathroom and went to work. Then i sat all giddy and giddy and happy at work. Then i felt wet and went to the bathroom and proceeded to walk through the rest of my day as a zombie until i got to my car and called my doctor. Why? Let me explain.

Last Wednesday I started spotting. Then stopped. Then started. Then stopped again on Friday and didn't bleed after that. Seeing how i was on day 49 of my cycle i was eagerly anticipating a period. So, Wednesday morning, a week after the spotting started, i went to my employee's house and used one of her pregnancy tests. (She is pregnant but had 2 or 3 leftovers from failed cycles) It was positive. So at 2 pm i left her house, grabbed a bite to eat and went to work at 3. Super excited. And plotting one of the many ways to tell Gee.

I worked and smiled all day.

Then around 10 I felt wet. And I went to the bathroom. And i had bright red blood. And immediately upon seeing it, i started cramping. Luckily i had black pants on, so i faked it for an hour and then ran to my car, and paged my doctor.

So, that night, i sent out two text messages. The first:


The second:

And I'm 99.9% sure I'm miscarrying.

And i was right.

But when i went to the doctor, the nurse tried to tell me that it is possible to get a false positive right before a period. I questioned this saying "Unless I'm taking something that boosts my hcg there shouldn't be. It wasn't an evaporation line, and i haven't recently given birth." And she made a face and left.

So i came home and googled like a mofo and yea, I'm right. I am a little frustrated that the nurse assumed i was a dumb ass and tried to tell me what i wanted to hear. So, here is to you Leslie, may God grant you all your wishes in regards to children and may someone kick you in the head.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Meal?

If you were getting your final meal before a deat sentence, how would you like it?

Me? I would need 20 days of last meals. I would eat everything I have ever limited myself on. Everything bad for me. Everything that I know will kill me the next day. That is how I like my pregnancy announcements.

In the last year atleast 20 people I knwo have announced pregnancies and I believe as of a few days ago, all of them have miscarried or given birth. Seriously, 3 miscarriages atleast 17 births I can think of off the top of my head. Oh, and just remembered 1 more who is for 4 or 5 months along.

I dread these announcements like any infertile. But, I also still have hope for myself and I try to imagine what I would do and say to other infertiles if for some reason the "just relax" method I am using right now worked. Or if after IUI (which is seeming like an impossible goal) we succeed. (I have not come to terms with IVF ever being needed, so let me ignore that topic.)

I have always figured everyone is different. But when I asked my fellow IFers (several IF friends in real life now that I have started speaking out) they all felt my theory was best.

I love babies and pregnancies, they are devine. So, I would want to know, I would feel bad if someone intentionally did not tell me because they were afraid to hurt me. I also love hearing the different stories about experiences, symptoms and funny stories.

I would want someone to tell me in a text.

Preggers: Hey, How are you?

Me: Good, just getting off work, about to eat something, shower and go to bed.

Preggers: Oh yea, I made meatloaf for dinner. I had a great day. How about you?

Me: Yea, i had a pretty damn good day myself. Why was yours so great?

Preggers: Well, I have been feeling a little iffy lately and I took a test. I am pregnant.


And then the conversation to end. The preggers needs to just leave it at that until I ask for more torture. And I will once I have recovered and spent some time in bed crying.

This is my last meal. I like a nice appetizer with a quick meal and NO dessert! I will ask for a hot fudge cake if I want one! And I will.

How would you like your last meal?


Sunday, November 21, 2010


I am sick. I hate being ill in any way. I'm coughing, very chesty, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, voice going up and down and some slight wheezing. Oh, and a runny nose that according to my 16 year old brother, could use a tampon. We had just discussed hockey players using tampons after they break their noses.

So, this is a short but sweet update, but i am going to try to post at least 5 days a week until Christmas.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Not enough

One day off work is simply not enough for me. One day off until November 28th is inexcusable! I used to get 3 days off a week. Sure i worked 14.5 hour days but I LOVED IT! Now I am in my new position and even on my days off i get calls all day. Although my company did just announce that since i do not get on call pay, i don't have to answer and if it is important enough my staff can call our on call number who actually does get paid to answer the calls. But, even though i told my staff that yesterday, i still received 6 calls from 230 pm until 630 pm when i sent a mass text saying "I AM IN A MOVIE THEATER! WONT BE OUT EVER IF YOU KEEP CALLING ME"
It sounds harsh but i am normally a very receptive and flexible boss. But i am tired of calls every 5 minutes. Yesterday morning at 8:34 am i had 6 missed calls! I AM NOT OUT OF BED YET! And it was over something trivial that if someone thought for a minute, they could have solved their problem.
Anywho, i work at 10 am and my staff will probably call me to wake me up at 830, so i am going to bed. Just thought id stop by to vent.

Well, actually i intended to talk about my day, but i got sidetracked. I promise more to come soon!


Big Meanies!

I think my husband is a big meanie for yelling at our puppy A, but this isn't about him. Or them.

It is about my mother.
And her house.
And the assholes who robbed it.
Yes, someone robbed my poor unsuspecting mother.

She lives in the middle of nowhere. She can only see one other house from her yard. And we have always felt safe. The only thing close to this was when one of my high school boyfriends tried to break in but failed.

So after a family get together at my aunt's house, i drove home, drove right past my moms and was about 8 minutes from arriving home. And my mom calls me. Our conversation goes like this:
Mom: I'm okay. Dont panic. Drive safe. But someone broke into my house.
MOM: I just went inside and someone has taken my TV out of my bedroom, i think the computer is still there.
Me: call 911
Mom: Already done they said i need to go out to my car and lock myself inside until they get here.
Me: I will be there in 3 minutes
Mom: Drive safe.

So i drove safe and arrived 8 minutes later after driving just slightly over the speed limit. Of course my mom was near tears on the phone. Which is a feat because my mom is a tough single woman and has been virtually her entire life. (She was married for 4 years but she pretty much supported him and got nothing in return)
When i arrived the police were inside. And her dogs were petrified. Roo, her young beagle was inside with the cop hiding and barking. Juliette, her older beagle, was cowering and shaking outside. And devil dog was I don't even know, being weird somewhere. (Devil dog hates me and i feel the same way towards him. I do know that he was aroused and tried to hump my arm a few minutes after the police left)

The thieves had stolen my mother's not-even-a-year-old-TV, the diamond and onyx earrings that my Grandfather gave my Grandmother in their 20th or 30th year. All of my mom's diamond tennis bracelets. Her pearls. And the most priceless item, my Grandmother's mother's ring. It had 2 gold bands, on the top was her and my Grandfather's birthstones, on the bottom was all 5 of their children. This ring was her mother's day gift about 2 years after my mom was born.

Honestly, my Grandmother's ring is the only thing truly special. (We later found the diamond and black onyx earrings outside by the fence, they had dropped them when they hopped the fence.)

Oh, wait, no, my mother will tell you that 2 important things are missing, my Grandmother's ring, and HER PILLOW CASE! You see, my mother is very particular about her bedding always being perfect. Everything matches. So, since the evil men took her pillow case, she now has matching bottom and top sheets, a coordinated comforter, and matching throw, and ONE PILLOW CASE! The woman is already feeling insecure enough in her own home and now they mess with her bedroom OCD!

Any who, back to normal people issues, my step dad had to leave his mother* and stay at my mom's the other night because of course, she was afraid, and her back door was kicked in.

But, by 6 o'clock tonight you will never know anything ever happened. We have many friends who work construction so Mr. Sexy Construction man came and worked all day Monday so that my mommy's house looks good as new. It just looks strange not having a TV where they clearly should be a TV.

*My step dad can not live with my mother. His own mother has Alzheimer's and his father cannot handle her alone (he is also very ill) so my step dad and his 3 children live with them 5 days a week and go to my mom's every chance they get. It is sad but my step dad is just like that. He even quit his awesome paying job to take a job making $10 an hour working for his uncle just so he can leave at a moments notice if anything happens to his mother, father, my siblings, myself or his sister who has cancer just about everywhere imaginable. He is a great guy. Very self sacrificing. I love him. He is perfect for my mom. Well, kind of, neither of them speaks up for themselves and they are both so giving that sometimes i get mad because i know they are each mad at each other but no one has the balls to say anything.

Oh, and the thieves still have not been caught. But we are looking for idiots here. You see, my mom had Monday off work, so she was going to paint. So all day Sunday she prepped her house. Which means that if the thieves had even made it into her kitchen, they would have noticed that her big TV, her sound system, and all her antique vases, candy dishes, and plain weird glass stuff, was sitting on the table. It is worth much more than the jewelry and TV and pillowcase. Idiots.

Oh, and they are cruel. Her old Beagle Juliette has a broken clavical and is not petrified of strangers. So thanks assholes, ruin the best dog in the world!

So, if you meet cruel, stupid people, please arrest them.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

sitting here

I am just sitting here. At my computer. So, I figured I would write.

I am currntly so busy with work that tomorrow is my last day off until December. I am trying to appreciate the over time but it is hard. Working 70-80 hours a week is not for the faint of heart. I just keep telling myself that this extra money will help us reach our future.

As for the future, I mean kids. I am confident I will succeed in having a child. It is just a question of when.

So, I will continue to work massive amounts of hours and save my money.

Until I have managed to save, I will try the "natural" "normal" method of getting pregnant and "just relax" which sucks and i doubt will work. The positive is that I work too much to worry about it. So, if I do get pregnant on one of the few times my husband and I have had time to "meet up" I will consider it an amazing blessing.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I lied.

I lied.
Not Pregnant.
Was so sure.
Very angry.
Very sad.

So i had implantation bleeding and my period didn't even come until after my normal 40 day cycle. And it lasted extra long. So I called my doctor and explained everything.

She said it sounds like a chemical pregnancy.

I never even mentioned it to Gee because well, lets face it, we didn't know. We still don't know for sure. I didn't test until I started bleeding. (i had been so sure that i didn't even test and then when i started bleeding i tested just to make sure.)

So, I am not counting it. It saves my sanity.

Since the last post, which was awhile ago, i have been promoted. And now work constantly. And Gee is going back to school and so am i. I think things are calm. I am not taking clomid. I just cant right now. The side effects were so bad last time that this month i needed a break. And with the new job, i cant be an emotional hot flashing nut job. At least not until things calm down.

I got my tarot cards read. I'm going to have 3 or 4 kids and be moderate financially, not rich but not poor. Oh, and in the next 5 years Gee and i will fall more and more in love.

Now those 3 or 4 kids? She sees a little boy coming up soon, but my "children card" didn't come up for 3 or so years. Soooooo, do i just become very attached to a little boy who i think of as mine or do i have a little boy and just don't have another one for 3 or so years? I don't know that i even believe in this stuff but she knew i was going back to school, that before i met Gee my life was in shambles, and that when we unite we are so strong no one can take us down. And that i was getting promoted.
Then when she read my boss's she knew that my boss had miscarried, she knew that it was stress, she knew that her husband was her rock but things have been turbulent, and that she was quitting. Which is true since my boss is no longer my boss. I took her spot.

Either way, it cost $5 and the money went to charity.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Last Saturday i felt the pain. Right hip, cramping, felt it both in the back and the front. I knew it was time. I had just woke up, and thought i had the day off, so i screamed for the hubby.
"It's time! It's Time! GET DOWN HERE!"
But he did not come.
So I called him, he was at my in-laws and would be home within an hour.
I showered.
I got beautified.
I brushed my teeth.
I ate a breath mint.
And he arrived.
We did everything perfect. EVERYTHING. Including me laying on my back and being careful not to cough or sneeze or anything for fear of disturbing the Olympic Swimmers. And yes, we both O'ed.

Then i relaxed on the couch switching from right to left to back hoping to get everything situated.

Then last night I had more cramping. So, we did it again just to make sure. Cramping has lasted all day today, and more than likely it was today. Lots of cervical mucous last night. So, I AM PRETTY SURE WE GOT IT!
I mean, I know i have my issues, but come on! I have to get lucky somewhere! Both times felt like ovulation, only one came with mucous (but i rarely have any) and we did everything perfect each time.

My cycles also are not very regular, sometimes i ovulate a little early, sometimes very late. Anyway, on the 25th, or 26th I will know. I work the 25th so I don't know 100% that I will test that day. It'd be a hard secret to keep all day.

Yes, I do plan to tell everyone immediately. We have kept our pain and losses a secret before and it just hurts me more, so we decided everyone will know everything within a week.

Oh, and i have hope right now. Insane amounts of it.

I am the P word. I'm sure of it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Bologna is made of lots of scraps, and today that is what I'm feeding you.


So, i let my sister in law move in. I agreed to let her and her raccoon* move in. Into my BABY's ROOM. Why? Because I see how awful she is treated by my in-laws and thought I would try to help her one last time. I got her a job. I arranged my work schedule to get her almost 21 yr old a** her temps. I even set up a budget so she could afford to rent the teeny tiny 2 bedroom house next door in 3 months. I even risked all the raccoon diseases by allowing that thing in my house!

Then she spoke to my evil mother in law and suddenly she wanted to go home. So, i took her home. Then the next day she told my in-laws that I write on my computer about them. That I don't want my hubby to see them, that i hate them, and that i think i am better than them.

First of all, i don't believe anyone is better than anyone. I do believe that i will be a better parent, simply because i wont snort coke, i wont live in a car, i wont grow pot, i wont use coke to lose the baby weight, i wont teach my 8 yr old how to make meth, and most of all i will never tell my 16 year old son to "Take this rope and go hang yourself." Yes, that's what my FIL told my husband, and then bitched when he had to go to school to get my husband because the school had noticed the rope burn on his neck and the slits on his wrists.

Then just 3 months ago, my FIL told my sister in law the same thing. THIS FAMILY IS CRAZY!

I have already told my husband, our kids will only stay there when I am with them (my husband still struggles to stand up to them) and if they start to be anything but sweet and sober, i will put my kids in the car and keep them away. Gee is A-OKAY with this. That breaks my heart.

Now for a tidbit on my family, we are very close, we are not perfect, but we are close. I have a cousin, who has 3 kids, no fertility issues, even though several of her cousins and her sister have battled and won the infertility war. This cousin has a son, lets name him, M. She also has a father, lets name him R.

I posted on facebook, my support for building the stupid mosque in New York. I believe in freedom to sell land to whoever, and freedom of religion. Simple as that. My Uncle R got on and started saying things like "Muslims shouldn't be allowed in our country" "You should be kicked out for supporting terrorists" then a friend of mine from HS joined in, you see, her family is Muslim, she isn't, but they are. She and i pretty much explained things to my 50 something year old uncle and he just got more and more belligerent. Even striking so low as to call this friends 110 pound frame "fat." I became outraged, this is the same Uncle who previously told me to put my dog down because she is part pit bull.

It finally ended with me blocking him.

Then on the 5 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, i posted some stats on the fact that everything is not fine and dandy down there. (I wont bore you with the details) And M, who used to be one of my closest cousins, gets on and starts saying how sick and tired he is of me always complaining, how i shouldn't worry about New Orleans or Katrina because no one up here cares and those people are "stupid" for living there anyway. Yeah, i was pissed. I explained how ignorant he is, how selfish and ridiculous and how i hope he was joking.

He proceeded to say
"I am going to be the one to say it, i will play the bad guy since no one else wants to, our family is tired of hearing about your struggles, about useless fertility facts, about Muslims, Katrina, and all that other shit. Facebook is to connect and our family doesn't feel connected to you when you complain in every single post"

Which amuses me because usually my facebook is happy and upbeat and fertility, Katrina, and the Muslims are the only three things that i have mentioned that could even be perceived as negative. Then i deleted M's mother, sister, brother and aunt. Then emailed the rest of my family on facebook and learned that none of them had ever had an issue with anything i said and that they are happy to be in the know as far as fertility goes and that i have taught them a lot.

Then my friends started to read what M had said, and they all jumped to my defense, 4 of my facebook friends didn't realize they were "infertile" until i started speaking out. So far, 2 of them have gone to the doctor, and one has discovered Male Factor infertility as the culprit, and another had learned she has endometriosis and a blocked tube. The other 2 are trying different things and slowly becoming more aware and i believe plan to go to the doctor soon.

So, i felt much better, i lost part of my family, but obviously they couldn't support me anyway, so it isn't much of a loss at all. Although Uncle R has since told my 80 something year old grandmother his opinion on my struggles, and she apparently threatened to throw him over her knee if he ever mentioned my struggle again, and said that as a man with two daughters, who's wife suffered through countless miscarriages and a 10 year wait between daughter 1 and daughter 2, he should know better. (He believes that things like that shouldn't be shared, that it should remain a silent sorority, and i believe that it should be heard, loud and proud, because we will never get the support we IFers need if no one knows our struggle)

Okay that is all i have time for. So i leave you with this.




*The raccoon was stolen from my chimney by my FIL since he wanted one. He then forced my SIL to take care of it or get out of his house, so she took care of it, fell in love, and now that she knows its illegal, she still cant let him go. He has become her baby.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I need MORE!

I thought i was done. I am not!

Aaaaannnnnnddddd HHeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeeesssss BOBI!

Mother of all EVIL.

Dear Clomid,
I have been your bestie for 5 months, we have only run together 4 times, and i have to say, I loved you at first. You were so kind. Never any harsh side effects, sure a little dizzy when i drive at night for the week before ovulation, no biggie, i just get home before dark. Then May i noticed i kept getting warm. Then i realized they were hot flashes and though 'DEAR DOG IVE HIT MENOPAUSE" but after carefully reading your label i realized it was you dropping those off as presents. I survive them, just barely in June and the beginning of July when it was 100 degrees outside. Then the last half of July and most of August i had a peaceful break. But i missed you, i missed the chances and opportunities you give me, i needed a partner in the run.

So i took you on Friday. By saturday i was expecting hot flashes, and you gave me none. I started to worry, had increasing your dose made you not work? Did the pharmacist mess up?
By Sunday morning on my way home from work, i was really concerned. And downright cold, our mornings have been very chilly and i have been looking forward to those hotflashes! Then at around 10, you gave me more than i ever wanted. I immediately told the husband "SHE'S BAAAACK" and turned a fan on me. He offered to get me some ice, and i said "No, I missed this, this means something is happening." I then sat back, played some old school bomberman and relaxed.

Then an hour later i was in bed. And crying. Why? Because i am on my period. Yes, i know this happens every month or atleast 6 times a year for me. I was crying because i wanted some hubby wifey time and could not get any due to AUNT FREAKING FLO! Now normally this would not make me cry. But it did, and i told hubby it was your fault, and he said he hates you and wants you to go away. I started sobbing and he had to leave the room at my rediculousness. Seriously? I am crying over everything. I have cried 8 times today. Just 3 or 4 minute sob fests of honest depression. OVER STUPID THINGS!

So, Clomid, i ask that you please, keep giving me the hotflashes so i know that you are there, but dammit, no emotional meltdowns! The husband and I cannot handle me cryingat the drop of a hat.

Thank you,
Your Bestie,

My Boss

MyBoss is pregnant. I was hurt and insulted by that. Then she confided that it took her two years to get pregnant. I was happy, and elated for her success. She had a happy ending to the infertility struggle that we fight everyday. I was capable of being happy for her.

Until Wednesday.

On Wednesday as i went to go into work i found out my boss had miscarried. After work she noticed blood monday night, went to the hospital and they did a pregnancy test, it said she was still pregnant, and they put her on bed rest. She finally asked what her HCG level was, and they said 70! She is supposed to be closing in on her 9th week!

She knew then that she was losing the baby. She got home and within a few hours felt everything come out. She did the only rational thing she could think of, she grabbed some gloves, stuck her hand n the toilet and took it to the hospital. They wouldnt take it. So she took it to her doctor, he wont take it, he hadnt even been told she had miscarried and spent 2 minutes trying to find a heartbeat before my boss finally told the guy "Didnt you read what the hospital sent you you dumbfuck my hcg level was at 70 IM NOT PREGNANT!"

She is straight forward, i like that. She is dealing with it well in front of people, and im so honored that she is so honest about everything. Her husband has been dealing with it but not well. I think men forget that pregnancy isnt a guarantee, it can be only temporary.

I guess i feel closer to my boss now. She even changed my work schedule so i can avoid any hazards during my two week wait, she said "Better safe than sorry" Did i mention i love her?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lunch is over!

My break is over. After a month of just relaxing and letting "nature" take its course, AF arrived today.

SO, to all those PEOPLE who say "just relax" YOU ARE FING WRONG! No Clomid, not nothing. Gee and I were like rabbits this month. Something about the "we arent trying" got us all worked up. So looking back, i know i had all the right things for making a baybay. And i relaxed. My baby thoughts were cut in half. Possibly even less than half. I spoke of babies less. Never even walked near a baby isle in a store. I followed all the stupid people's assvice and look where it got me!

I am a terrorist. No, not the bomb kind, the sick kind. I want to go drop off AF on people's doorsteps. I want to throw sanitary napkins at everyone who says "JUST RELAX" because i am sick and tired of their assvice.

My uncles and one aunt spent 30 minutes discussing "JUST RELAX" and i just smiled and nodded. So next time, i will tell them.

"i followed your stupid assvice and i just relaxed. And guess what IT FAILED! So stop asking me "when" its going to happen, stop trying to comfort me, stop trying to baby me, and stop giving me your ASSVICE!"

I may just put that on facebook. I will. I did.

I would say Sorry, but i wont. I have the right to be angry. I may never have children and dammit, im angry.


Sunday, July 11, 2010


I was negative. Tested in a dollar general bathroom. Negative. No sadness. Went on to go see fireworks and have a great weekend. Then tuesday came, my Grandfather passed away. We got lucky, the brain tumor took him. So, no suffocation.

Then I realized I still have not had a period. No biggie there, and said "if by thursday or friday i do not have a period, i will retest"

Tuesday night i started to spot. Just wiped once and got light pink blood.

Then an hour later nothing. Nothing more until thursday. When i spotted brown blood for an hour. So, i decided no point buying a test. Then went to work and straight from work went to the funeral. Came home exhausted and worked saturday. Then spent today very relaxed with friends.

Now that I am 9, yes 9 f*ing days late, i think i might go buy another test. I may have ovulated late, and got pregnant so the first test could have been negative. Or i could just ahve ovulated late and be getting my period late. Only in these last 3 months have i had spotting. My periods used to start with a gush, an insane gush. Nope not anymore.

Or maybe im pregnant and will be happy.

And on the Grandfather note. I think i got all of the terrible screaming sobbing cant breath crying out of the way before he passed. I cried during the funeral, well really off and on all day, but not hysterical crying. I think the week i found out that he was dying let me get that nasty stuff out of the way.

And yes, this man was the man who made me who i am. So, i will forever be grateful and hope to have children soon so i can teach them all the thing he taught me before im old and forgetful.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What is going to happen, will happen. God's Choice. Just wait

On July 3rd 2005 I spoke with my father. I told him I had gotten my temps. And was starting to drive a little. Then he told me he was going to a BBQ with his fiance, Margarita. I told him i was going to see fireworks in a town close to us, with my boyfriend at the time.

On July 6 i was home alone. Reading. It was about 2 pm. My Maternal grandmother calls. She asks where my mom is, i informed her that my mother was at work. My grandmother informs me, point blank, that she is reading the paper, and my dad is dead.

I hang up, call my mother at work. And calmly inform her of this. She says she will be there in 20 minutes. I look around. I walk around. I dont know what to do. That 20 minutes became 30 because of traffic. I called 3 people. No one was available.

I was alone. And i sat there.

I did alot of that in the days after. Sitting. Nothing felt right.

My paternal grandmother found out we were planning to drive to her town 212 miles away, and attend the funeral. She forbid my mother from bringing me. My mother informed her that I was his daughter and needed to grieve.

We went. And i met my Uncle, lets call him Uncle Fuck. He is the black sheep, and rightfully so. He has had a drug problem since 17, a drinking problem and a lying problem for most of his life.

We went to the funeral, where i met my half sister and brother for the first time. My sister just watched me, kind of with a longing look.

Her mother told me to keep my distance, they would come to me, they had only just found out 2 days ago that i existed.

My father's friends who had known about me were all so happy to meet and see me. I felt accepted. By everyone except my step mother and grandmother. They leered at me. Stuck their noses up at my mother. But i stood tall. I was proud to be my father's daughter for the first time in my life. (someday i will explain that relationship)

This story is not about my dad, or the anniversary of his death, July 4 2005.

This story is about the man next to my Grandmother. Who had heard rumors of my existance, but he been forbidden by his wife from meeting me. My father had told them point blank that i was not his. But my Grandfather had always known. But his wife was his love. What she said was law. She forced my father to marry my step mom. Knowing that my mother was pregnant with a child she claimed to be his.

I look just like my father. Or atleast a child i did. Now im looking ore and more like my mother. (my mom is dark italian and my father is danish and such, and im blonde with fair skin and aquamarine eyes)

The next year was hell. Then i met my husband. We started dating at 12 30 am on July 4 2006. Exactly 1 year after my father died.

In February 2007, on what would have been my father's birthday, we went to that town 212 miles away to visit him. When we got lost in this hilly town trying to find his gravesite, we went to Uncle Fucks. We noticed alot of cars. Were these people all here to see my dad?


My boyfriend (now husband), mother and i went to uncle fucks door. He looked surprised. He had neglected to call, made apologies, and informed me, my evil grandmother had died. Today was her funeral.

So, dressed in my travel garb (jeans and ugly tshirt advertising a local eatery) i attended my first surprise funeral. Later my husband would call his friends and inform them that surprise funerals are kind cool.

I smoked a cigarette (my grandfather and uncle where so i figured it was okay) and say "ding dong the wicked witch is dead" in my head. Heartless, yes, but she had taken so much away from me, i felt it was okay. Afterall, i was 17.

Then we came home.

That year, in either late april or early may, i was waiting to pick my mother up from work (my car was broken down) and i decided to call uncle fuck while i waited. We chatted. And he informed me that he was sitting nextto my Grandfather. Who wanted to speak to me. We talked for a few minutes. And he asked if he could meet me. I said i would check with my family and see when i could make it down.

That weekend, my mother and i left for the 212 mile away town. I drove. It was beautiful. When i got down there, i learned that my Grandfather was amazing. We talked for 12 hours, my Uncle fuck and my mom both kept looking at us. They were amazed that we hit it off so well. On my way home, i was elated. And the owner of one of my grandmother's priceless rings.

I called my Grandpa a week later and told him that in 3 weeks id be bringing my boyfriend down to spend the weekend. He said that was fine. (uncle fuck had informed him that modern day relationships were like that)

That weekend was amazing. My grandfather told me his neighbors pitbull had mated with a scrawny stray boxer and that they had taken the boxer in. And that the puppies were just a week old. I went down to look at them. And wouldnt you know it, he offered me one. I accepted.

Five weeks later i had plans to head down for a family reunion where i would make my official debute as his Granddaughter. I was honored. But, a week before i got a call, the scrawny boxer had never gained enough weight during pregnancy, and had internal bleeding for the last few weeks. She died and left the pitbull's owners with 11 pups. So, i told my mom i needed to go down immediately. And left the next morning. No one knew that i was getting this dog. Just my sister and boyfriend. We had already been buying it stuff and reading books.

I didnt even tell my Grandfather i was coming down, Uncle Fuck and i worked it out so that at 7 am (yes i left at 3 am to make a 212 mile trip at 17) when my grandfather as having his morning cigarette and coffee, Uncle Fuck would come over, and make sure he was decent. And at 705 i walked in. And my grandfather was so surprised and happy. I met my puppy, that he had picked. She was brindle, like her mom. I didnt like it at first. But i accepted my gift and vowed to love this pupy like no other and make her a pitbull advocate.

After spending the day, i left with 2 puppies. One for my friend, and one for me.

A week later i had my family reunion. And felt so honored to be accepted. And welcomed. During that reunion my Grandfather also re-met his daughter, lets call her Daisy. They talked. and the next day, they talked some more. Before i left with M (the puppy) i was so sure that he and his daughter were going to stay in touch this time. And they did. And she brought several of her siblings back into his life as well.

A month later M and i made the trip again. And the month after that, and the month after that. For nearly a year. (M loved playing with her dad and brothers)

Early spring or late winter that year, the neighbors pig was attacked. They called my Grandfather, and informed him that his and the neighbor's dogs had done it. So, he and the neighbors put their dogs down. It wasnt until a week later that he got a vet bill for the pig. T?he pig had been scratched by a claw (none of the dogs had blood, flesh or pig hair in their mouths or near them) and had needed 2 stitches.

My Grandfather had loved that dog, and the neighbors had loved theirs. We all grieved. The neighbors had exaggerated and everyone had acted too quick, before they knew the entire story.
My Grandfather felt terrible. But we moved on.

In late April 2008 my Grandfather went into the chiropractor and was told that they thought he was having a stroke, he was losing control of his left side.

Within the week we learned that it wa no stroke, it was a tumor.
Surgery was scheduled. We all drove down to be by his side, his daughters, uncle fuck, his brother, sister and i. We waited. Surgery was cancelled. His blood count was too low.
A week later his blood count was high enough and they did surgery.

We waited for 7 hours. Then we were told he was recovering in the ICU.
The doctors informed us that everything was successful. But that it usually took weeks for someone to become their old self. And that he would need therapy to remember how to use his left side, and that it may be weeks before he returned home. Up to 6 weeks.

Before i left, my grandfather was wide awake and testing himself. That night he walked to the bathroom. The next evening, he went home. His surgery was on thursday. I called him on saturday and he was home. We had a miracle on our hands.

About 2 weeks later, two weeks before my graduation, i went down to the town 212 miles away, and spent 5 days taking my grandfather to and from radiation treatments. We ate frosty's at the Wendy's downstairs afterwards. Those 5 days were some of the best in my life. We talked, as we always did, for hours on end. Only shutting up when he made me steaks and hamburgers for meals. I learned so much during those visits.

I was so grateful for my Grandfather, the best gift my dad had ever given me. Even better than the $40 and nintendo 64 he gave me for my 10th birthday.

Two years have passed. And i have grown even closer with my Grandfather. He walked me down the isle for my wedding. Gave me away. Taught me so many things. Watched me cry at 3 in the morning. While drinking my diet coke (i hate it, but when im with him, i crave it) and smoking a cigarette with him. He has guided me through career decisions, buying my house, marriage do's and donts. He has become the father i never had. And i am not ashamed of my life, because its a miracle. All because of him. He helped me go from angsty teen, to young woman.

I found out a little more than a week ago, that in the last month, my Grandpa has learned that he is dying. He has cancer in his trachea, growing very fast, and in his lung. He also has a tumor in his brain, the exact opposite spot as before, and a spot on his kidney. His trachea is going to suffocate him within a few weeks time. He told me 3 weeks is his bet. He can already barely breath and has a coughing fits that almost look like a seizure. Maybe it is.

He is weak. And sleeping alot. I spent last thursday evening, friday all day and saturday morning with him and my Aunt Daisy. Its hard to watch. I cannot believe my Aunt can handle it. But, his goal is to die at home. And we respect that. He said he cannot get a miracle like he did in 2008, and even if he did, it would have to someone dissolve an inoperable tumor in his trachea and fix the brain, lung and kidney. In 3 weeks. He accepts that he has had a long life, the last 2 years have given me more time with him and has brought his children back into his life.

He misses the 3 sons he has buried, and his wife. I was so upset in the last week that i could not bear to write this. I had trouble eating and sleeping and being near people. Today. I am alive. He is alive. And i am okay.

I have been suicidal. I could not see how i would get past this without dying. How could i live through what is essentially losing my father all over again? How can i wait for him to suffocate? How can i just sit here and pray for all i can pray for, that the brain tumor takes him first? All i can hope for is that some way, some how, he goes more peacefully than suffocation.

But today, it hit me, i will survive.

Tomorrow i take a test, if it is positive i will be heading to that town 212 miles away soon to tell my dad and Grandfather.

If it is negative i will survive. As my Grandfather told me, what is going to happen, will happen. God's choice. Just wait.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


During my training seminar today a woman and i started chatting. She has PCOS, and i shared that i have it too. SHE FREAKED OUT! She yelled "OH MY GAAAAAWD. Damn! You're too skinny to have PCOS! Gawd what are you 120 lbs? And you have no facial hair and no receding hairline........" and blah blah.

SHE CALLED ME SKINNY! Okay skinny for PCOS but c'mon that counts.

Anywho, then 2 other women with PCOS come up and start chatting about it. I FELT NORMAL! I showed off my partially receding hairline (no one notices with the way my hair is) and showed that i have sideburns that are just very blonde.

The only disturbing part, was these women. I am 5 foot, 4 inches, and although i dont look it, I about 185 lbs. So, i am not little. I have DDD's and they make everything else look small.
But these women were big. The first one, lets call her Liz, was atleast 300 probably 350 ish. And the others weren't that big, maybe 230 and 280. But they all had to shave their faces, and 2 of them weren't much older than i am. Now i know im not that amazing, after all, Kate Gosselin has it and she is way thinner than i am.

I just felt like "Wow! The only things i have showing pcos (irregular periods, enlarged ovaries) are minor compared to these women." And for a minute, yes, i thought about a second opinion, until i remembered Kate. Plus, i LOVE my obgyn.

But Liz, scared me. She ate a medium pizza alone, and was nice enough to buy me a personal pan (the place doesnt take debit cards) and she drank 3 1 liter pops, Dr. Pepper specifically. Then when we did blood sugar checks (its a med class) hers was 453. She does not have insurance so she never checks it since the strips cost so much. But still, thats reckless. I made her promise to call her doctor asap. I hope she listens. She was so sweet.

Anywho, im going to play with my pups and go snuggle Gee.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Ex Bestie

My Best Friend from age 5-13 is due today. She posted on FB that she had a false alarm but is so ready to meet her baby girl. I just found out she was pregnant a week ago! Too soon! Had not prepared myself for this. Hers was an accident. She parties every night. I do not. WHY NOT ME?

Shortly, as in next update, later i find out my cousin has made her announcement. She had a son a few years ago, after 2 years of trying. Since he was 1 she has been trying again. So a year and a half. She got what she wanted. ME? Ive only been trying for 19 F*CKING MONTHS!

Life, you have shot me a raw deal. I know I should learn something but all im learning is that INFERTILITY SUCKS!

On a lighter note, i am taking July off. Unless im pregnant (even though i have been taking ovulation tests since day 9 and its day 20 and i havent ovulated) and happy. So no clomid, which means no hot flashes, no OPKs, no timing, no cervical mucus checks, but probably lots of sex. Yep, nice relaxed sex that has nothing to do with a baby, everything to do with my hubby.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Postcard from my Ovaries

The reason I am afraid to do tests:
I am secure with going to sleep believing I have PCOS, hyperthyroidism, and endometriosis. But I cannot handle anymore for now. I like my ovaries and i to have a one way form of communication;
me "do some f*ing working in there before i shove a high pressure hose up there and get rid of you little f*ers. Thanks, now make pretty babies and i will keep you around for awhile. Make eggs who will accept Gee's handsome little sperm"


They should listen. Not talk. More tests will make them talk. I like not knowing, i can still have hope. Unless i get a postcard. My biggest fear is this:

Dear Landlady,

You do not deserve children. We are empty and hate you. We hope you never have a child to hold in your own damn arms. You do not deserve it. So f* off lady. We ain't payin no rent and we ain't givin you no f*in baby. So back the f* off hoe.

Your Stupid F*ing Ovaries.

Yes, i know, Lisa (left) And Rita (right) have a dirty mouth.
I just wish i could get them to cooperate without having to know that they aren't.
Maybe next month will be better.

Now for an update.

I have not ovulated. I had periods for the last 2 months on Clomid 50 mg, so that means i did then. I am on day 16 and i have not ovulated. DAY 16 PEOPLE! MY TEST SAYS ITS NOT COMING SOON EITHER!
Called wonderfully blissful OBGYN's office and explained entire situation to always upbeat Leslie. She said she will inform Wonderfully blissful OBGYN when she returns from vacation next week. Vacation spent with her 3 year old. HELLLLLOOOOO call her and interupt, im tryin to get my own 3 year old out here!

No, im fine. I love my OBGYN i just have no patience. I mean this is the doctor who for a year, almost 2 has been trying to make me realize that i do not have the option of waiting to have kids.
Who i fear will probably just tell me to go see an RE because Clomid may not be enough and as an OBGYN she probably wont do anything else for me. (fingers crossed that i dont have to see an RE as insurance wont cover any part of it at all) I just want 1000000000mg of Clomid, a big old catheter of cleansed sperm and a day at the zoo with my mommy friends.

Yes, all of my friends have kids, and yes, i am dealing with it. I love their kids. I honestly think that i love their kids more than i love myself. So therefore i plan to kidnap them all and run away together.

Kidding kinda

Oh and im too lazy to capitalize my i's so live with it. I do the first letter of a sentence, names, pronouns and sometimes nO reaSon.

Looooooove Bobi

Friday, May 28, 2010


I worked second shift today. So, knowing i was planning to test, i slept till noon. Then, at 12:06, my friend Lee text me and said her test was negative. So, i rolled out of bed and decided to POAS. I did, then got myself a drink and brushed my teeth, all while not looking at the silly thing. And, yep. Negative.

I know I'm just beginning, but come on! Now i am going to break away from just the feeling i get when i ovulate, i bought tests. I also plan to take mucinex from day 5 of my cycle until 2 days after i ovulate. Maybe ill even try some preseed.

During my next ovulation i will be at a fabulous hotel and suites reliving my honeymoon. Yes, this month means 1 year of marriage. (Yes, we knew of my pcos before marriage and tried then)
The room, actually 2 rooms, is one nice bedroom with a jacuzzi big enough for 2, a shower the size of most hotel bathrooms, and a water closet. Not to mention a king size bed with a down comforter to die for. Then, off to the size you have some sliding glass doors leading to the second room, a 85 degree pool that's about 10x20. Just for us.

Sounds like the perfect time to conceive a little one. (Yep hopes are already up) Then, when i will get the results back, will be the 4 year anniversary of our first date. What a great time to tell my husband.

On the negative side, no pun intended, i will probably call the doctor on monday to get something to bring on my period. Hopefully it will work fast so i can ovulate during my anniversary.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Test Day!

Tomorrow is test day number two, clomid wise. I have a close friend, Lee we will call her, who has a 21 month old son, A. Lee and i are on the same cycle. Exact same day for everything, and she is also trying. Her son, A, was an accident, but totally wanted. So, she is not infertile. Since we are on the same cycle we are testing the same day, and sharing our 2ww together. Plus planning our timed sex together. We are dorks.

Tomorrow is our test day, we will pee, and text each other. We are so excited and hopeful. But, i have no signs besides more cervical mucus. And a BBT of 98.86. Which is nowhere near period. Yes, i know clomid can mess that stuff up, but i still like to check it, and its been pretty normal.

But, now i have this fear, what if she is...and im not? How crappy will i feel. It is horrible for an infertile woman (anyone who has tried for a year and not succeeded is considered infertile) to compare herself to a fertile woman. We just arent the same. Will i cry, will i be jelous. Afterall, she already has one, and ive got nothin besides miscarriages to show for my hard work. But, i would love to be happy for her.

Also, another friend, we will call her Amy, just shared her news. She is my ex coworker and best friend. She is just coming out of a woman-woman relationship. They had been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for a few months. Then, they broke up at the start of the month. Amy, gets her period the day after me. So similar cycles. She took a test yesterday, and when she didnt see a second line after a minute, when she saw the first, she threw it away. I told her to recheck it last night. She did. YUP! It is positive. So, just to be safe she retook this morning and yep, its negative for the first 2 minutes and then at 3 minutes its positive. The test said 2 minutes. So, while she is still unsure, im pretty sure she is pregnant.

The moment she stopped trying, she gets pregnant. Isnt that how this stuff works. For fertile women anyway. For me, thats just not gonna happen.

Dispite all of this praying and hoping, i just dont think i am. You see, i cheated, i took a test an hour ago. Yes, it is diluted pee since ive been up all day, and yes it is the day before my period is even due. But if Amy can get a positive so soon, i want one too! I am going to try again in the morning but, i will try. I have my hopes up and down, i think it will be a BFN but i am sooooo sure it be a BFP. Wishful thinking.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wishing Myself Luck

So, i have a new job. I like it. I am making next to nothing but, its a job, so ill take it. Better yet, its a job that i kind of like. It is also kind of fun learning new things. This is a job i have never done before and i like learning new tasks.
As for the baby department. I ovulated the night of may 14th until the morning of may 15th, and i had sex at 4 pm on May 14th. So, im hoping. If it didnt work, i may know another cause, my cervical mucus. I have like none! Although i did pop a mucinex on the 15th to hopefully get some, and it did work a little. But, if im not pregnant this month, i might just call my OB and see if their is something she recommends. Also, thinking about Primrose oil. I want to be a waterfall of cervical mucus, of non hostile cervical mucus. Wish me luck on that lol.
I did my hair, and its cute and bouncy. Think Bree from Desperate Housewives. Back in the beginning of the show, very flipped out at the ends, and neat. I feel like a Barbie. I also look like i belong on "toddlers and tiara's" <---worst show ever. But, my hair is cute and flippy an bouncy and im loving it and so is Gee.
Wishing i could find something to instantly make A, my bulldog, not aggressive. He seems to think that he only has to behave when it is just Gee and I. So, he attacks people because he gets too excited, easily overstimulated. And he gets like that when its another dog, like M, our pitbull/boxer mix. If too much is happening and he cant figure it out, he just goes after the easiest prey for him. And i dont know what to do. We are working with a great trainer though, so maybe we can make some headway.
Also, im quitting. No more cigarettes after may 25th. I dont want to be someone who stupidly smokes during pregnancy, or who runs outside to smoke when her child naps. I want to be smoke free. So, in 6 days, im done. So far today, ive smoked 3 cigarettes. Not half bad.
Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to moms everywhere.
To the women who are expecting, the women who are waiting to find out, the women who are praying it comes about, to the women who are chasing their children, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Everyone woman is in some way a mom. A mom to the classroom she teaches in, to the dog, to the cat, to her husband, to her car, every woman mothers something or someone. So, Happy Mother's day self, and good job bathing both pups today. They smell nice, hopefully M's dry skin clears up now that we moisturized her to the point of greasiness.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Silly musings of a non-pregnant woman

I finally got some news from the doctor a few days ago. Not pregnant. Possibly going to have to jump start AF* next month if I’m not pregnant then. (We had been told possible miscarriage, or possible pregnancy about to miscarry and it was neither) So, bring on the excitement. Another 5 days of taking clomid. Very dizzy this time from pill 1! It might not help that I am wearing my glasses. (A friend explained some nastiness about wearing your contacts as much as I do, and I’m afraid to wear them 90% of the time now, thanks CC) Also, I’m not being as "good" this time.

Last time I ate dinner (always veggies in there and fruit for dessert) and then relaxed and drank 8 ounces of water over the course of about half an hour. And then for the next hour drank 8 ounces of orange juice (blech! nasty) and swallowed the pills. Now, it's eat crappy dinner, drink tea, and swallow pills. Also have some depression. I think that’s normal since, um DUH! I got my freakin hopes up.
I am going to try to drink some orange juice now and see if I can get back in the swing of things, doubtful. Also, got a job. Not as excited as I had expected, thinking that might be the depression thing.
Looked at some of my infertile blogs that I have come to love so much in the last month, and found some disturbing news. According to what I have read here is what will happen.
Try clomid 50 mg for 3 months
Try inducing AF if it is needed.
Try clomid 100mg with metformin
Try clomid 150mg with other fertility drug/possibly metformin
Then the scary stuff. IVF/IUI plus shots.
Scary shots that Gee or I would have to shove in my butt.
Probably myself because I hate needles and it'd be easier to do it myself than let the guy who pinches my ass and goes "quack" (attacked by a duck at age 3) just to see me run, do the needle holding.
I am also going to try and let Gee drive me somewhere. Seriously it’s been like 2 years and I should over my passenger phobia, at least with my husband, and I rode with my mom without killing her today so I’m overconfident.

*I am now starting to use infertile blog abbreviations. AF=aunt flo
Gee=hubbyand soon to come BFN=big fat (fucking) negative loving the AF and BFN


To Test or Not to Test

So, I took the Clomid on March 27 for 5 days. On April 7-12 I was a baby makin factory. I ovulated around the 11th; yes I can tell when I do.

I got ahead of myself and on April 20th took a test because I felt nauseated. And extremely sleepy. NEGATIVE! So, I felt sad for a minute and realized I’m not due until the 23rd or 24th so I was not totally disappointed. I felt sick almost every night at 9 pm for the next few days. I went to my mothers, and noticed some spotting. I was ready to cry, in fact I did cry on my way home. No baby.

Then I realized how silly I was being, I can try for the rest of my life, no need to get discouraged. And then, hope came, I realized it could have been implantation bleeding, that it was the perfect time for it. I started to get excited. But I told myself no! I will not take a test until the 28th.

So, today is the 28th and I simply cannot take a test. If it is negative I will lose my freakin mind. But, I am several days late and no sign of a period besides a slight twinge when I had the spotting, so maybe I should? But if it’s negative I will freakin shoot myself. Don’t own a gun at the moment but I’ll get one. What is it a 72 hour waiting period? I could do it! (I am seriously just kidding no one get excited) The positive to all this is that I’ve discovered some great infertile blogs. Like "No oven for the bun" and "The young and the infertile" <---personal favorite, I love the way she writes. But nonetheless these women have been trying longer and harder than I have and are older than me. I’m still a young whipper snapper; it’s supposed to be an accident when I get pregnant! Why does it have to be so hard for me? George and I have tried off and on since November 2008, and I haven’t used birth control or a condom since. Something should’ve happened by now! What did is so difficult about getting pregnant? People do it daily, hell; people get pregnant from precum dammit!

Maybe I’ll just take the test and end my misery, we’ll wait, if I don’t believe that I’m not pregnant now, what makes me think I’ll believe it after I take that test? And if I do get pregnant will I be too afraid to celebrate it? Seriously, this is harder than it looks.


Operation Baby 2010-The Beginning

A few weeks ago I went to the doctor. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Meaning I have a male hormone (androgen) in my ovaries, I also have Endometriosis. The Endometriosis I have known about since I was 12, but the PCOS was hinted at when I was 18 but not diagnosed until now. Both can cause women not to get pregnant. My doctor recommended Clomid. Clomid is a drug that (from day 3-7 of your cycle for me) increases egg count so you can hopefully conceive a small child.

All of this is nothing compared to most infertiles. We have been trying ourselves since November 2008. We did it the natural way at first. Then I started using a basal body thermometer. Learned how to chart. By March money was tight but I was hoping I was pregnant. I mean, the charting said I was doing it right.
Nope. Not havin a baybay!

So then April and May I thought I was pregnant. NOPE. Then June, I was getting married, and it would be so me-like to get pregnant now. Seriously! Period at the start of May and nothing by June 12, the day before my wedding, so I bought a test. How cool would it be tell my husband, on our wedding day, that we are pregnant? So cool!
So still no period on honeymoon, so on June 27, I bought a test, took it, and while I waited, I wiped. PERIOD!

We have had many more moments like this. I have had 4 miscarriages. Two were accidents. But would have been wanted and loved like no other.
We are proud parents of some furry children. Once I created some nicknames for them I will share.
I do have that much for now.
