- I don't feel like I have much to say.
- Our dentist gave George more pain medicine. Very pleased.
- He is still calling off work tonight.
- I ordered the crib last night.
- October...Tomorrow...November next month. Baby next month
- My ex step sister got a puppy. It is cute. Hoping Moose can meet him.
- My other step sister is taking a pregnancy test today. She is way too young. Way too young. Like won't even be able to drive before the kid gets here...if she is pregnant. But she also lives with her Dad, who lives with his parents (they have severe health issues) who are chain smokers and there isn't room for a baby. Or finances for a baby. There is no way she could keep it. I really hope she isn't pregnant and that this inspires my ex step dad to get her some birth control. Or beat her. I think this kid just needs a good old fashioned beating. Not really supportive of beating your kids, but COME ON! From what it sounds like, she may have even been TRYING to get pregnant so she can go live with her bf. Her 17 year old boyfriend. No way will that be happening.
- I am happy I am not as close to that situation anymore.
- Don't even want to think about it.
- Thanks now I am thinking about it. Poor baby. If there is a baby. Poor sister doesn't even realize how much she has screwed up her life if she is pregnant.
- George is calling off work right now.
- I wish he would just lay in bed with me.
- It is rainy and yucky and I just want to be in bed.
Our little Prince arrived on November 13, 2011. After years of trying, we finally have our dream come true. This blog will be where I share anecdotes and the wonders of raising our son, so that some day, Huddy can enjoy reading about his gestation, birth, and childhood.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My momma is correct. If I drink any more water, I will never leave the toilet. Apparently the protein in my urine is slight enough that they aren't concerned at all. So, get up more slowly, don't bend down, and get an ultrasound on Monday instead of your regular appointment.
Also, the doctor is kind of a jerkface. He tried to send us to the special ultrasound place, but I informed him that I have a $300 bill from them because our insurance won't pay for them, he argued that our insurance is great and usually, with other patients, pays for it all. Well, tell that to my check book buddy! So, he said "whatever, I don't want to play games, just go to X hospital". How is this playing games? I don't want to go broke, and my insurance company is obviously NOT paying. Jerkface.
Let's all hope I don't need a c section so we don't have to deal with him anymore. I like the midwives much better.
Calling all Medical Professionals!
I have protein in my urine. But my tests for preeclampsia are fine. What does this mean? Dr. Google has informed me that it could be a UTI or a kidney infection. Any other concerns I should have?
Also, they are having me come in today at 230 for a visit with the Doctor.
To most, this may not seem weird, but we actually only met the doctor once, he is there for high risk and emergency situations, otherwise you just see the midwives.
Should I be concerned? The nurse who called seemed very at ease, but this is her job and not her baby. They should just explain stuff over the phone and skip the suspense.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I fell
But Huddy is wiggling and Achilles is enjoying being the center of attention for his life saving efforts. AKA being there. Good Boy!
Monday, September 26, 2011
So Many Problems!
This is where is gets good.
All of it. He hasn't had dental through them for over a year (we had another company before) and they won't cover anything major (like oral surgery) until you have been with their company for a year.
How much does this surgery cost? About as much as George's car.
No way in HELL we can pull that out of our asses. We are living paycheck to paycheck as it is. Before I was approved for unemployment, we weren't able to buy anything. So now we are scrambling to get the last of the baby items. That is where all of our extra money goes, and even that is very limited and a lot less than what we had planned on!
I took a pretty major pay cut to leave the company from HELL in order to be in a relaxed environment teaching in the daycare. Then I got pregnant. We were pretty decent financially, until they made me a sub and just never called. Luckily, the unemployment went through after 60 days of not hearing from them. By then I was 6 months pregnant and couldn't commit to a job (even if they were willing to hire a woman who could only work for a few months) for more than a few months. We have no savings. We had to pay taxes and have repaired both our cars, computers, hot water tank, etc. since June.
We have nothing.
But my husband? He has to take 2 percocet a day to be pain free. He hates that, so somedays he only takes 1 and then is in too much pain to do anything. And I know he is in pain while he is sleeping becase he grinds his teeth and flinches if I touch the side of his face.
I left a message for the Health Department. I have heard they will do dental work and go by your income. Problem is, I don't know if they'll do major things like oral surgery. But I have no other options. George has no credit and with me being unemployed, and everything being in my name, mine probably isn't doing too well either. So getting financed for the surgery is not an option.
Say some prayers, send some good thoughts, anything. We have nothing else.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers
Monday I was paying some bills and then got up and went to the bathroom. Then someone shot off fireworks in my bathroom. I suddenly saw sparkling, twinkling lights andfelt like I might pass out. I text George and told him that I knew this was a symptom of something but I wasn't sure what.
So, I asked Dr. Google. High Blood Pressure.
Cue panic.
I called my doctor Tuesday morning, and was informed that my urine test on Monday showed no signs of protein in my urine, but that it could be a sign that my blood sugar got too low. And that I have always been slightly low on my BP so it could have been that too.
Wednesday I was in pain all day, and hated the world.
Yesterday, I was in pain all day and hated the world. So, George found me crying in bed because I feel so lazy because it hurts to do anything. He comforted me, and it lead to doing THAT THING.
After I experience that one thing that happens when you do THAT THING, I saw my twinkling lights and then that is all I remember until I woke up to my husband yelling at me.
Yep. It was so good I passed out. Or I just passed out. Depending on who you are.
Then I tried to get up, twinkling lights again. So, I just laid there for a minute while my husband panicked. When I finally got up, I called the doctor.
They sent me to the outpatient testing part of our local hospital and had me get some blood work done, and gave me a jug. To keep 24 hours worth of urine in. Yep, I have a jug of pee in my fridge. Of pee.
So, anytime I have to pee, I have to go to the fridge, grab my orange jug, go to the bathroom, put a hat on the toilet, pee, then wipe and stand before tossing toilet paper into the toilet so I don't get it in the hat, then pour my pee into my jug, and place jug back into the fridge right next to a 2 liter of root beer.
Oh what a fancy life I live.
Today, I have ate everytime I feel even the slightest bit hungry, because yesterday it was explained to me that my pregnant body can use up an entire meal in no time flat. So, I have ate
- 2 pears
- 1 bowl of cottage cheese
- 2 string cheeses
- 1 package of ramen noodles
- 6 cups of water
- 2 cups of milk
- 4 pieces of french toast
And I have only been up for 6 hours.
Seriously? Is this what I have to look forward to?
And passing out, does it do anything to Huddy? What goes on down there?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Mouse Update
Which is solved.
He died. In the crawl space. Near the entrance I am guessing. The entrance to our crawl space is in the laundry room. And Friday when I went in there, something smelled. I moved things around and found nothing, then I got close to the hatch for the crawl space and it got STRONGER!
Luckily, our laundry room is pretty far from the main living areas and has a doorway that apparently keeps stinky smells in the room, so it only smelled back there. But it was BAD! So, I didn't do laundry until today, and our smell is gone. Explains why we haven't heard from Mr. Mouse in awhile.
And no, no one will be getting him out. George is skiddish too and doesn't want to hunt for the dead mouse. Sorry.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
If you ever need to bribe Grandma, I recommend hot cocoa. Or swimming, sunbathing or poodles. But promises of hot cocoa worked today. Thank Goodness! As you will someday learn, Momma loves and dreads the Fall Festival. People will park in our driveway if I move our cars. So, if I want to go buy you stuff, I need Grandma to come drive me around!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday Night Leftovers
This has been a pretty BLAH week.
- George got an iphone 4g. After the rebate, it will have cost us an entire $52. Not bad. And I can justify this expense even further by saying it has an amazing camera and is video capable, so we can call it a camera.
- Tomorrow is the towns Fall Festival. So I am going garage sale hunting. I am looking for a swing and maybe a dresser if I can find one. Which I doubt.
- All week I have had the same problem, I feel great one day and can tackle the world, and I feel awful the next and can't get out of bed. George is very annoyed by this.
- I am making veggie beef soup in the crock pot!
- My Graham Cracker (my grandma) is out of the hospital tonight. This means I need to deliver her some of our food stockpile.
- I am trying to make large meals and save half of them for after Huddy comes. I doubt I will be focused enough to actually cook in those first few days. Or weeks. Any great reipes that freeze well?
- I got my haircut. It is jawline at the longest point. I'd share pictures, but with pregnancy, my nose has swollen and everytime someone takes a picture I want to cry because THATS NOT MY NOSE! I got an inverted bob with stacking in the back. It is very short. Now I just need to ship my hair off for donation.
For more Leftovers hop over to Danifred and enjoy her BOY pictures!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Dear Brother, My 100th post
I dedicate this post to my estranged brother.
Dear William,
As a child, I knew about you. I knew I had a brother somewhere who had a different mom. I knew he got to see my dad, and I didn't. I knew his name was William.
I would fantasize about the day I'd meet you. I would pretend you came over and played with me, and I would pretend we were best friends and I always looked out for you. I would ask my mom about you frequently, expecting that she would have some anecdote to share. I lived for the day I got my brother.
When our dad showed up when I was in 3rd grade, I thought that meant we could live together and be best friends. I also learned that we had a sister. She was 4 at the time. I would sit and imagine us being the older kids and looking out for our sister, and torturing her during games with our dad.
I always thought of you. Asked about you. When our dad went back out of my life, I grew up. I became a teenager and realized our relationship would never be perfect. But at 13 I called your mom. I had wanted to talk to dad for a long time. She gave me his number and told me they were divorcing. I started to grow closer to our father in the next few years. Fighting and yelling at him, while always wondering why he never permitted us to meet. I believe he was ashamed. How could he tell his son that he had a sister? How could he admit to leaving my mother alone with a baby? He was probably perfect in your eyes and he didn't want to destroy that. I understand this now.
When he died, all hopes and dreams crashed down around me. But I clung to the idea that at the funeral, I would meet you. I would be your sister. The grief would bring us together.
Your mother approached me at the funeral and told me that the night before they had finally told you about me. I can imagine you felt like your entire world had been destroyed. Dead father, older sister, and your life was shattered. Your mom told me to give you and our sister time. That if you ever wanted to meet me, she would let us know. I never heard a word.
When our Grandfather and I started to get close, my fantasies came back. If he accepted me, so would you. But you got mad. You ran from the room when I sat next to you the day of our Grandma's funeral. You looked so much like our cousin, I didn't even know that 6 foot tall boy was my little brother.
I have been told that you spent the next several years saying how I stole our grandpa, and that if you ever had the chance, you'd punch me in the face. I assumed this was just a teenage boy thing. But when our grandpa got sick and you didn't come around, I blamed myself for ruining the relationship. I believe he died knowing great pain. But also so much happiness because with that pain, he connected with is biological children and with me.
At his funeral, I had an entire speech to give you. I wanted so badly to connect with you, and I knew that was my last chance. But you never came.
My last memory of you is of you running out of a room.
Now I am having a baby. Your nephew. And all I can think of is my fantasy of the holidays. You and our sister sitting at a table, discussing our father and holding my child. This is a fantasy I will never let go of.
So, Dear William, I love you. I have loved you since I was a toddler and heard about you. You are my brother, and I want to be there for you. To grow as a person by knowing you. So if we ever meet again, please don't lash out in anger, but listen to what I have to say.
***Thanks for reading my 100th post. Hopefully, someday, it will have a happy resolution.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Am I being picky? Probably.
The item we selected is brown, beige and earthy green. Plus, it has monkies. Which George finds very important.
Plus, the item that was bought for us, cost more than what we even wanted. I kind of feel bad. This person wasted money.
The problem? I have no idea where they bought this item. And I don't want to run from store to store asking "do you sell this?" over and over. But I think I have to.
The positive? Since I don't have a receipt I will have to settle for a gift card. This is a positive because I can use that gift card on something we want or need, and then use our own money to go to babies r us and get the item we want. And since babies r us is giving away coupons with every purchase, we ended up with 10 or so 20% off coupons that are good after September 23. So our desired item will be like $1 off.
I feel guilty though. This person obviously thought we would enjoy this product and I feel like it is a personal insult to her to return it. But I feel like this item will annoy me. I am having a hard enough time with my Magazine Worthy living room being crowded with baby items. I feel like those items should at least be in my own taste and look like they belong in our house instead of belonging in a daycare. God! I sound so selfish. And prissy. I also feel like I should hide my shame and not even mention returning anything. George and my mom are the only people who will know. Luckily, this person lives 50 miles away and probably won't be popping in.
Today is the big day. The day I cut off my hair. It is 16 inches long now. Meaning Lock of Love will be getting 10 inches while I get to sport an Inverted Bob with stacking in the back. Yep, I have spent 3 months asking people what type of hairstyle they are rocking. All so I can copy it.
I asked my cousin to do it, and she said she hates that hairstyle so I shouldn't let her do it. At least she was honest! So, my friend from high school, who also cuts my mother's hair, will be doing it for me.
I am nervous. If it turns out horrible, I won't have enough hair left to fix it! Plus, this is my hair. The tips are the same hair I had when I got married! This hair has been through so much with me. Am I a weirdo for being attached to my hair?
How will it feel when I go to wash my hair and only need a tiny bit of shampoo? How will I get used to brushing it without having to throw it over my shoulder? Or being able to toss it up in a ponytail?
But gone will be the days of greasy looking hair. Lately, it seems like no matter what I do, I can't get all the conditioner out. This is extremely annoying.
The first baby that was born, the one born to the fertile? Well, things aren't so easy anymore. I feel so awful for having my negative thoughts. The little one, not even 2 weeks yet, woke her mom up by SCREAMING last night. Immediately, Fertile knew something was wrong, but when she picked her daughter up, she really knew something was wrong. The baby was HOT! They checked her temperature and she had a fever of 100. They called the doctor and he was concerned and just wanted her to get checked out. So, they went to the hospital. Within that 40 minute period of checking the temp, calling the doctor and getting to the hospital, the baby;s temperature was up to 101. They ran a few tests and even did a spinal tap. Nothing has really been said as to what it could be, but they are keeping her until she is fever free since she is only 10 or so days old.
I know spinal taps are painful. I have watched House. So I can't imagine watching my newborn go through that. But Fertile (now I even feel bad calling her that) was allowed to stay in the room. I can't imagine how scary it must be to have a child so sick at such a young age. Poor little girl.
Moose has not had another seizure. Thank God! But if I am in bed, or in the tub, and I hear a weird noise or a boom, I run for Moose. The cat knocked over a stack of baby items, Moose whimpered in her sleep, stupid things, and I ran. She is my baby.
The mouse has not returned in days. Not even a peep, scratch or scurry from any of the known mouse places. The cats are disturbed by this. I am questioning where the mouse has gone. No smell, so I assume he didn't die. Or maybe he died and we are just lucky enough not to smell him? Never really had something dead under my house before. I don't know how much stink a mouse can have. I hope he is dead. Sorry little guy, but you chose the wrong house.
If he is still alive, go torture the pot smoking neighbor who spends all his time up at the bar and made his kids go over half the summer without a/c while he spent his time and money there. He is also the guy who can't back out of his driveway without flooring it. So when he hits ice and hops the curb into our yard, I panic. Our fence is 10 feet off the street. If he hits our fence, on that side, the kitchen and dining room are only another 10 feet. Hit those, and you get to meet your maker. Hit the fence when the dogs are out, and meet your maker. This year will be even worse with Huddy here. Property damage is one thing, but now the asshole will have my child's life in his hands. I really hate this guy.
He also watched me mow the lawn. A few weeks ago, George taught me to use the push mower. I liked it. So, last week I was mowing the lawn while George was trimming the hedges and the trees. I was lost in my own world until I looked to my right. This neighbor was sitting on a lawn chair, in his front yard, with his hands curiously in his lap, shirtless, watching me. This man is NOT attractive. He is downright creepy looking. Plus, the way his hands were, I think he was hiding something. And he wasn't just staring, he was blatantly staring, like he didn't care when I looked and caught him. It is like he is some sicko. I am huge and pregnant buddy, the last thing I need is some huge and hairy fat guy checking me out.
Then the next night he was outside, in his lawnchair and stared as George left for work. George called me and made me check all the doors and windows and make sure I had Moose with me at all times. I figured George was being over protective, until at 3 am I went pee and noticed a person in the street light. Yep, he had walked out his front door and towards our house. I grabbed the butcher knife, flipped our lights and waited. He paused and kind of just stood at the edge of the street. Then turned back and went inside. We have told numerous people about this, because if something ever does happen, he is the guy. But it isn't like we can call the cops. Being creepy isn't illegal. It should be though.
Oh, and I am warning you now, I will try to keep politics off my blog. They're just not pretty. But if you support Governor Perry, you will be insulted at some point. His beliefs are insane. Seriously, wiki him. He has no issue with giving mentally delayed adults the death penalty. He has used the veto power more than any other governor. He thinks that homosexuals should just stop having sex, just like an alcoholic should just stop drinking. I have a friend who is in school to be an addictions counselor and she really liked that last one.
Sorry. That is it. I won't mention my last 5 reasons for disliking him and the 1 reason I do like him.
Anywho, I told George I would do some dishes and make food, and he will be home in an hour and I have done nothing but update our registry and blog.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Oh shit..Audit.
Turned in all the stuff. But since we paid cash for the house, I couldn't show anything on a mortgage. The lady at the IRS told me to just send in some bills for the household, aka gas, water, electric. So I did.
Just got a letter saying we failed their examination and have to pay it all back. UHM? Sorry? I live here. We have lived here. It is our first house. No other way to show this?
So, I have a bill for 10% of what we paid for the house. Yeah, because we can just pull that out of our pockets. I called my mom, hyperventilating and sobbing. She said to have our tax preparer take a look at it, and see if their is any other way we can prove we live here and have the financial responsibility of the house. Then my mom said "if you have to pay, they'll go by you income on payments." Well, loophole right there. George isn't on our house, and we weren't married at the time. So, our income is the measly amount I get from unemployment. Payments on that couldn't be more than $100 a month. So, I would be paying for years. But at least it isn't much. Either way, the idea of this makes me want to hurl.
Baby Shower and 31 weeks
Apparently this means my body is storing the carbs for sugar, which is why I gained so much. They want me to cut my carb intake in half (GAH!) and increase my protein. And eat every hour or two. And I thought eating every 3 hours was hard! Now I have to eat every hour ot two AND make it low on carbs. Yikes. I love carbs. They're my life. So, I need some healthy snack options that are low in carbs and high in protein. And don't you tell me nuts!
I eat peanut butter. But I generally don't enjoy nuts. I will eat them sometimes, but I won't actively pursue them. Not my style.
Moose had her appointment a few hours after mine. She amazed me. Not in a good way.
This dog walks everywhere off leash. I use a leash when we walk through town, but only because it is the law and George worries that something could startle her or another dog could come along that we don't know, or that something quirky could happen. But we were running late for the vet, so I forgot a leash. Bad Mama.
My mom went ot the vet with us since George had to sleep for work and I needed moral support in case something happened.
When we got out of the car, Moose walked right up to the door, sniffed and booked it! I shouted her commands, and she still ran back to the car and didn't look back. She does not like the stinky vet. So, we had to go in and get a cheap leash from the vet and drag her to the door. Then she wouldn't step up for the 1 step to go inside. Normally, when I am not pregnant, I will lift this dog like a toddler and carry her. But I am pregnant and would probably pull every muscle in my body if I did that right now. So, my mom lifted Moose's front feet inside the door. and I heard "God damn! How the hell..." and some grunting from just that. Apparently, Moose isn't easy to lift anymore. And my mom is a strong woman. I guess she just isn't used to lifting my baby.
Then we get inside and Moose tried to run back out! What the HELL? This is not my dog. The techs were awesome though and got us inside a room right away to calm her down. Then we had to weigh her. Normally, I could have got Moose on the scale and said "sit" and had an easy weigh in. Nope. She was just all about making me look bad. She had to be held and then for 3 seconds we all let go of her and got a weight. My baby weighs 76 pounds. She is usually between 60 and 70. I blame pregnancy. We're all getting fat over here.
Then we got back into the room. And normally, I would have lifted Moose onto the exam table, said "stay" and been fine. Nope. My mom didn't even try and the vet said not to worry about it. He checked her, she basically ignored him and just gave me dirty dog looks. Seriously, the vet tech kept laughing. This girl knows how to work her Mama and test my patience.
The vet said she has a yeast infection in her ears. They aren't mites. Just yeast. Apparently, dogs ears are the perfect temperature for growing yeast. He recommended that we start selling the yeast or learn how to make bread. He said the pond water probably caused this. So, when Moose swims, we need to clean her ears after. Then gave us drops (that he does not want a pregnant woman to touch) to use. So, for 14 days, twice a day, I get to clean Moose's ears with some solution, then George gets to put the drops in. He has the easy job. But Moose is calmer for me. So, it evens out.
The vet said he doesn't want to do blood work, xrays, CAT scans (dog scans for the sake of Moose's self esteem. She holds herself in higher regard than a stupid cat) or anything yet. Until Moose's seizures show a definite increase he doesn't want to mess with her. But if she does have them once a month or so, he said it may be wise to look into it. And he likes the way I hold her. He had a dog recently who had a seizure outside and bolted into the ditch, and then seized again and drowned. He said that since Moose gives me signs, and I recognize those signs, we don't need to restrict her in any way, we just need to make sure we are always close enough to react. So, if we are swimming, I am sure she would have 20-30 seconds (at least, probably more) to get close to me or to shore. So, she just won't be swimming the entire pond until I feel more secure. We will try to keep her close to shore or at least close to where I can touch so I can hold her head above water. This seizing in water thing is very scary to me. She loves to swim. She hates to be told no.
So, besides the yeast infection, this was kind of a waste. But I feel more secure knowing that I am doing things correctly and that we have a plan.
Moose hates this medicine in her ears crap. But she did try to sleep through it yesterday. Tried. The cleaning solution is room temperature, so it probably isn't too bad. But the medicine itself has to be kept in the fridge. She does not enjoy that. Poor baby. Also, going to buy stock in the cleaning solution company because we will use an entire bottle in the next week, and then need another of rthe next week, and then need probably a bottle a month in the summer and at least 1 bottle in the winter. Not that much? Yeah, you go price this stuff.
Baby Shower!
Yesterday was my baby shower. It was great! Everyone loved getting together and some new friendships were made. Plus, my 2 aunts came out, and I rarely see them, and some friends I hadn't seen in awhile came. Very nice.
My complaint?
For the registries (one at a cheap store, one at a more expensive store) I checked all the major items customer reviews, played with the items in store, and checked safety ratings. I put some work into this. A lot of work really. I also tried to find things that would match our decore. So calm, neutral earth tones. None of this loud crap. I also made sure I had items from $5 to $300. Something for everyone.
Not a single person, bought a single thing off my registry. Either registry.
Luckily, I did get some gift cards. So, we are taking those to get my stroller/carseat in the next week or so. Bad fetus is playing with my bladder. I don't need to pee, leave it alone!
They (my family and friends) did the same thing for my wedding. Nothing off those registries either. They just hate registries. Well, I am never making another one! Ever!
In my family, and the area I live in, you only have 1 baby shower unless you wait like 10 years for baby number 1, 2, 3, 4, so I will probably never have another chance anyway.
I did get some nice items and everyone respected my anti-pooh stance.
I feel like I should explain this to you.
Since 1997 when my cousin A was born, everyone I know (sans 2 or 3 friends in recent years) has done Winnie the Pooh. Those 2 or 3 friends, were all within the last 14 months. Before that, all pooh! YUCK!
So, Pooh reminds me of babysitting, then of crappy unoriginal friends, then of infertility. Watching all these parents with their POOH crap stroll on by to the land of parenthood while I sat helplessly waiting. Pooh hurts me. Like the idea of Huddy in a POOH stroller or carseat with POOH blanket, actually makes me a little nauseated. It must be an infertility thing. Either way, I was given 1 POOH bottle as a joke. I refuse to look at it. Huddy has not healed me completely, even though I am now extremely confident in the fact that I WILL be getting a baby. Perhaps some things cannot be healed?
I am very excited to put together what items we did get. Huddy is too. He started kicking George's butt at 6 am. George is still asleep. He apparently doesn't realize that Huddy knows he got gifts, and he wants me to play with them.
Huddy also wants breakfast. I want a pb&j on toast. But carbs. I should make eggs. But that is messy! Okay, it makes one pan. But that is 1 pan more than my pb&j.
Off to figure this out....
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
More on Seizures
The first seizure:
I was vacuuming in the dining room and Moose was 10 feet away in the living room. All of a sudden she came running in, and I thought she was playing, but then she fell. Then got up, then fell, and I immediately turned off the vacuum and ran to her, she was peeing, and she was thrashing around against the wall, so I thought of trying to get her outside, but she had to walk through the doorway to get to the back door, and the way she kept falling, it was awful. She loses control of her body, falls, and then when she gets up she tries to throw herself against something, in this case, the wall. I was afraid she'd hurt herself, so I picked her up with my left arm, and ran to the bedroom screaming.
George is a very heavy sleeper and barely noticed a thing, so I grabbed my phone with my right arm and got Moose into the bathroom, the only door that was close and would close us into a small space. But she was still seizing, so I dialed the vet and when they answered, they said "Blah blah animal hospital, hold please," and put us on hold! By then the seizure had stopped and Moose was limp in my arms and I realized it hurt to hold her, so I sat against the edge of the tub with her body on my lap and waited.
The receptionist came back, and while sobbing I explained what happened. She said seizures can be anything from an allergic reaction, to tumors, to the body's way of reacting to toxins in the body. Since Moose was 3, she figured she was too young for it to be tumors, but said that if it happened frequently they would check that out. Also, dogs like humans can have epiliepsy, so she explained how for $1 a pill we could medicate Moose if they continued to be an issue, but that the medication can make the dog groggy and they may not be themselves.
In the days after I remembered, just the day before the seizure, Moose had ate some sanitary napkins that had been at the bottom of the trash for a week at least. She had also had some ear mite medication within a few days before. So, I assumed one of those was the cause, plus we had switched dog food. So, we went back to our old brand, switched brands of the ear mite stuff (but never needed to use it on Moose) and started shutting the bathroom door everytime we left. She didn't have another.
Moose never had ear mites, ever. Not even a tiny bit until last summer. Just thought I'd mention that in case it is important.
The Second Seizure:
In May Moose has started itching at her ears and shaking her head a lot. So, we used some olive oil to try and loosen everything, but it didn't seem to work. So, I applied some ear mite medicine into her ear one day. Then twice the next, and then, on the morning in question, I applied it again.
She ate breakfast, and then within 20 minutes she was sitting on the couch next to George, and she just started twitching, she tried to get off the couch and come to me across the room, but she fell flat on her face in another seizure just getting off the couch, so I rushed to her, and held her with my arm around her torso and her legs pointing away from me. Her ears were still wet from the ear mite medicine, and it occured to me that maybe that was the issue, so George ran for a wash cloth, moist, no soap, and once Moose had stopped for a second, I wrapped the cloth around my finger and wiped her ear out. The seizures never resumed, so I wiped in deeper and cleaned her up really well in there. Then I realized she had peed a bit, and she started panting and drooling but didn't seem able to move. So, I held her, sat on the floor and cried. When she was ready (during the seizures she twitches and the muscles tighten and untighten, afterwards she is kind of limp and uncoordinated, and then once she is totally back her muscles feel normal and she is generally a happy, maybe slightly more nervous, dog who is panting and drooling still, so I know when she is ready to get up) I let go of her and she stood up, and we walked away and called my mom, and I let her go outside and I sat on the steps and watched her.
I assumed I knew the issue then, the ear mite medicine. It had been used within the week the first time, and within the hour the second. I felt guilty, but I figured that at least now we knew the issue.
The Third Seizure:
Yesterday was like any other, George didn't work the night before, so he stayed up all day with us. We fed the dogs around 7 or 8 am, let them out a few times throughout the day, we didn't go for a walk or run because we had a lot going on, yard work, getting my car repairs, my phone not working, etc. Then around 5 or 6 in the afternoon I made dinner, it was done at exactly 6, I remember now. A dollop of mashed potatoes fell to the floor, and Moose licked it up. George and I ate, and were sitting in the living room a bit later in our food coma.
I was on the love seat, and he was on the couch with the laptop in front of him. He got up to take a cup to the sink, and Moose stole his spot, and I teased him about it. Then Moose moved a seat over and laid down. Then she moved so her head was behind him, and I thought it was cute, but apparently she was pushing forward, trying to wedge herself between George and the couch, and that ain't good dog behavior in this house, she is lucky to be allowed on the furniture at all, but you don't gt to OWN the couch as a dog, so George yelled at her to get down. And she seemed unsure, and took awhile getting down. She came to the loveseat and sat next to me and started shaking. I assumed she wasn't used to being a couch thief and wasn't used to George raising his voice at her, so I kind of bitched at him. Then I noticed she hadn't stopped shaking.
I put her collar on her for the first time in months that morning, and it seemed like it was bugging her, so I removed it. Then I noticed pee on my leg. I didn't want to freak out, so I just pet her and said "She is acting like she had a seizure...." and BAM! It was on, she had 1 half of the love seat, and I had the other, so I leaned over and put my arm under her chest and held her on the couch. Then I leaned my head down and rested it on her twitching body (still trying to run everytime a seizure ended) and told her I loved her and it would be okay. And I didn't cry. I held it together the entire seizure while George watched. I couldn't think of anything to do for her, so I just held her.
As she seized she tried burrying her head into the cushions of the couch, but it would pop out with every seizure. She scratched me a few times, but I was positioned so she couldn't really kick the baby. I have read that soem dogs bite, but she never has and I am not about to let her seize by herself, or let her run around thrashing and throwing herself into things. I will continue to hold her body.
Afterwards we just laid there. Both of panting and me using her as a pillow. She had a dazed look in her eye, like me when I first wake up, and then started panting and drooling and slowly came back to Moose world. She got up, I used George's phone to call my mom, and I wiped the pee off my leg, and walked outside to let Moose go potty and talk to my mom. I lost it.
Moose is my baby. Before her, I personally, owned 1 dog of my very own, and she died back in 08. Sabrina. She is the reason Moose is so well behaved, she trained her. She taught her the ropes and played with her and was her best friend. After she died, Moose looked for her for weeks. It was just after we got Achilles. He was maybe 12 weeks when she passed. But since Sabrina died, I have been even more protective of Moose (Brina was chasing my mom while my mom mowed the lawn, and then she was gone. It was an hour or two later when my mom found her along the side of the road. It was one of the hardest days of my life. I stayed in my apartment for a week after that. It hurt too much to do anything. She was 3 and too young to die) and have guarded her like a treasure. Anyone of my neighbors will tell you, Moose guards me, but I guard her just as much. I worry when she is alone, I worry when she is at my mom's, I worry about her like I will worry about Huddy. Is the water she drinks healthy? Is the food enough? Does she need a doggie vitamin? What if she is attacked again? (black lab at the river attacked her and tore up her face, no lasting visable damage, but I worry) I choose her playmates wisely.
She was the best friend of a seeing eye dog, Cody, for a long time. Then we moved to the house and lost touch. She had another friend, a mutt, Connie, from the apartments who we also lost touch with. She liked Oscar the weiner dog next door, and it was cute watching a pitbull boxer mix try to play with a daschund. She could have stepped on him and ended his life without even realizing it. Her current bestie is my sister's dog (who is now my mom's dog since he has gone from"staying the weekend" to being there for over a year) Evan, a beagle, who may not be the best influence (he attacks cats) but loves Moose.
I worry. She is a pitbull mix, living in a state known for anti-pitbull laws. Hell, the county my mom lives in and our apartment was in, is known for having a dog warden who would see a pitbull, and have it put down for being "aggressive" before the owners got home from work. Who killed 140 puppies (under 12 weeks) in 1 year because they were pitbulls or pitbull mixes. She gets looks. A woman (whose weiner dogs were biting at Moose and chasing her away) even told me "It's no wonder they're attacking her, look at what she is..." like Moose being a pitbull negated the fact that her dogs were being aggressive towards my dog. One family friend won't let her daughter play near Moose. One Uncle even said "Stacey, it's a pitbull, just put it down".
But she has never bit (unless you count the "football" she played with my brother, he runs, and she jumps up and tackles him, sometimes using her mouth on his arm to pull him down, or the "shows" she and I put on, where I play with her toy and play tugs and get her riled up and then shove my hand in her mouth and tell her to bite. She bites. I scream and yell, all fake, and then say "release" and she opens her mouth, never putting enough pressure down to do anything) she plays with toddlers and has saved a baby's life (the baby's mother left her alone on the couch, baby rolled over, Moose stood next to couch and held baby so baby wouldn't fall, then whined for help until I walked in the room and found the baby basically laying on Moose's back) and claimed that baby as her baby. Seriously, after over a year of not seeing this baby, she jumped the fence to get to her and give her kisses and followed that kid everywhere. That little girl led Moose around like well, a lost puppy, the entire time she was at our house.
Anywho, Moose equals good dog. I could share Moose stories all day (someone remind me to share the story of the rest stop or the guy in the white van someday and to share Moose's full life story) and probably would enjoy it. I love this dog. We have a bond. It is almost telepathy over here. She swims, she runs, she does the Cesar Milan walk, she is the best dog anyone could ask for.
If she does have a tumor, or if these seizures are caused by something life threatening, I don't know how I will go on. Sabrina was there after my Dad died, she helped me heal. Moose has helped me heal from so much loss and pain since then. When George was in boot camp, she was my reason, my only reason, for getting up out of bed. We have had many losses with her by my side. She is my daughter. Hell, this dog knows more than most 6 year olds. In my head, if she were human, she would be a 6-8 year old with chesnut brown hair with natural highlights and she would be amazing. Yes, I can picture her as a human child.
I don't know what I will do without her. She walks off leash, but George gets mad about this. One day I asked him if he didn't trust her, and he said "I trust her, but if something happened to her, I'd be afraid for you. You'd jump off a cliff if you thought you could hit the bottom first and catch her." Which is true. No lie. She is my world. I know Huddy will be my world, but Moose is his sister. She isn't his "dog", she is his sister. She is....Moose. I say it in my sleep, I sense when she is waking up, she knows the moment I wake up, the moment I need her, the moment Huddy first kicked this dog was there.
Please, say some prayers, send us Good Luck, see if you can see anything that coul cause a seizure in what I have told you. Ask a vet friend. We have an appointment Friday night (I have an extremely busy Friday with a Huddy appointment and a Moose appointment and I will probably be missing FNL again) and will be taking my mom with us since George will be asleep. And since she is a big girl, I don't want to think of the cost. But, even if they told me it would cost $5000 to fix her, I would find a way to get it. She is my baby. My daughter. Huddy's sister. And Achilles is snoring. Just sharing
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Moose Seizure
She had one in June while we were watching tv.
She had one tonight while I was doing a sudoku puzzle.
I will fill you in more on each seizure later. For now, my body hurts. During her first seizure, when she would come to (they are actually several seizures in a row) she would try and get under something or smack herself into the wall or a corner to make it stop. I ended up picking up her 70 lbs ass and carrying her around screaming for help, which I didn't get, so I held her with 1 arm and called the vet, which put me on hold. Well, these last 2 I have been pregnant so I can't carry her with one arm. So, I get her to the floor of on the couch and lay on her torso and hug her while he head and legs flail around me. And I murmer "It's okay. I love you" over and over like an idiot until it stops.
I'll update later tonight or tomorrow. Too many tears and too tense to type.
Monday, September 5, 2011
My phone hates me
I have a strange rash. It is on my shoulders/neck area and kind of on my left boob. Looks like infected pimples really, but I have like 20 or 30, so it'd be one hell of a break out and they have no reason to be infected. Not liking it at all, and it has been there since Friday.
Any rash experts out there?
We have been buying fruit platters. The ones on managers special are like $5 and you get a variety of fruit in a decent amount, and it is already cut up. It actually saves us money, and today I bought a huge platter for $8 that would normally last us a week, but I made it my dinner. So good. 1/3 of it left. YUM!
My stretch marks are so itchy. I am shoving my hand in my pants (maternity pants that go up to my boobs) and digging just below my belly button, I feel attractive.
No news on the mouse. The cats sit and guard the stove/dishwasher area for 20 hours a day, so I am confident he will be caught if he ever comes out.
I have said for a month that I really need a front wheel alignment. I was right, I didn't get one and now the metal wires are poking through my tire where it has been rubbing. So now I need 2 new tires and an alignment before I can drive, so I am guessing it will be Wednesday before I can drive anywhere.
Our baby shower is this weekend! So excited!
Oily skin.
My skin gets so greasy after just a few hours, that when I get in the tub, it changes the water to yellow. Yes, a dirty nasty yellow, kind of like it would if you went a week without a bath. I have been showering/bathing 2 or 3 times a day! Plus with some 100 degree days, I have been sweaty and nasty anyway. I have heard of a woman's face getting like this during pregnancy, but my entire body? Even my scalp! I had been on the "no poo" diet all winter, but started using shampoo again this last March when I got pregnant. Why? I noticed my hair was getting greasy even after months of not using shampoo and just using water. So, it started small, shampoo once a week, then twice, and now after just 12-24 hours it looks like I havent showered all week! We have a doctors appointment Friday where I intend to show off my rash (I am hoping it is a break out from all this oil) and my greasy skin. I doubt there is anything we can do, but I would like to be told I am normal and not becoming a french fry.
New pictures to be uploaded soon. It takes forever to take them from my email, to my computer and on here, so it will have to be done later.
Oh, and we had 3 babies due between Wednesday and Sunday. Two were induced, and two popped out. One of which is bitchy fertile. UGH! Then the other was my old boss, who gave birth to Huddy's future best friend. If you go awhile without seeing a newbie (SO sick of saying "newborn" all the time), when you finally do, all you can say is "He's so little!"
I loved his hair and his sounds! So cute! And my boobies didn't even leak! Impressive!