Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby Shower and 31 weeks

I had my 31 week appointment on Friday. I gained 8 lbs. Yep, 8. I expressed my concerns and explained how I haven't changed my eating patterns in the last month and couldn't understand why I suddenly gained so much weight. They checked the results of my glucose test and found the reason. My sugar was 74. Meaning I am just slightly above being considered hypoglycemic.

Apparently this means my body is storing the carbs for sugar, which is why I gained so much. They want me to cut my carb intake in half (GAH!) and increase my protein. And eat every hour or two. And I thought eating every 3 hours was hard! Now I have to eat every hour ot two AND make it low on carbs. Yikes. I love carbs. They're my life. So, I need some healthy snack options that are low in carbs and high in protein. And don't you tell me nuts!

I eat peanut butter. But I generally don't enjoy nuts. I will eat them sometimes, but I won't actively pursue them. Not my style.

Moose had her appointment a few hours after mine. She amazed me. Not in a good way.

This dog walks everywhere off leash. I use a leash when we walk through town, but only because it is the law and George worries that something could startle her or another dog could come along that we don't know, or that something quirky could happen. But we were running late for the vet, so I forgot a leash. Bad Mama.

My mom went ot the vet with us since George had to sleep for work and I needed moral support in case something happened.

When we got out of the car, Moose walked right up to the door, sniffed and booked it! I shouted her commands, and she still ran back to the car and didn't look back. She does not like the stinky vet. So, we had to go in and get a cheap leash from the vet and drag her to the door. Then she wouldn't step up for the 1 step to go inside. Normally, when I am not pregnant, I will lift this dog like a toddler and carry her. But I am pregnant and would probably pull every muscle in my body if I did that right now. So, my mom lifted Moose's front feet inside the door. and I heard "God damn! How the hell..." and some grunting from just that. Apparently, Moose isn't easy to lift anymore. And my mom is a strong woman. I guess she just isn't used to lifting my baby.

Then we get inside and Moose tried to run back out! What the HELL? This is not my dog. The techs were awesome though and got us inside a room right away to calm her down. Then we had to weigh her. Normally, I could have got Moose on the scale and said "sit" and had an easy weigh in. Nope. She was just all about making me look bad. She had to be held and then for 3 seconds we all let go of her and got a weight. My baby weighs 76 pounds. She is usually between 60 and 70. I blame pregnancy. We're all getting fat over here.

Then we got back into the room. And normally, I would have lifted Moose onto the exam table, said "stay" and been fine. Nope. My mom didn't even try and the vet said not to worry about it. He checked her, she basically ignored him and just gave me dirty dog looks. Seriously, the vet tech kept laughing. This girl knows how to work her Mama and test my patience.

The vet said she has a yeast infection in her ears. They aren't mites. Just yeast. Apparently, dogs ears are the perfect temperature for growing yeast. He recommended that we start selling the yeast or learn how to make bread. He said the pond water probably caused this. So, when Moose swims, we need to clean her ears after. Then gave us drops (that he does not want a pregnant woman to touch) to use. So, for 14 days, twice a day, I get to clean Moose's ears with some solution, then George gets to put the drops in. He has the easy job. But Moose is calmer for me. So, it evens out.

The vet said he doesn't want to do blood work, xrays, CAT scans (dog scans for the sake of Moose's self esteem. She holds herself in higher regard than a stupid cat) or anything yet. Until Moose's seizures show a definite increase he doesn't want to mess with her. But if she does have them once a month or so, he said it may be wise to look into it. And he likes the way I hold her. He had a dog recently who had a seizure outside and bolted into the ditch, and then seized again and drowned. He said that since Moose gives me signs, and I recognize those signs, we don't need to restrict her in any way, we just need to make sure we are always close enough to react. So, if we are swimming, I am sure she would have 20-30 seconds (at least, probably more) to get close to me or to shore. So, she just won't be swimming the entire pond until I feel more secure. We will try to keep her close to shore or at least close to where I can touch so I can hold her head above water. This seizing in water thing is very scary to me. She loves to swim. She hates to be told no.

So, besides the yeast infection, this was kind of a waste. But I feel more secure knowing that I am doing things correctly and that we have a plan.

Moose hates this medicine in her ears crap. But she did try to sleep through it yesterday. Tried. The cleaning solution is room temperature, so it probably isn't too bad. But the medicine itself has to be kept in the fridge. She does not enjoy that. Poor baby. Also, going to buy stock in the cleaning solution company because we will use an entire bottle in the next week, and then need another of rthe next week, and then need probably a bottle a month in the summer and at least 1 bottle in the winter. Not that much? Yeah, you go price this stuff.

Baby Shower!

Yesterday was my baby shower. It was great! Everyone loved getting together and some new friendships were made. Plus, my 2 aunts came out, and I rarely see them, and some friends I hadn't seen in awhile came. Very nice.

My complaint?

For the registries (one at a cheap store, one at a more expensive store) I checked all the major items customer reviews, played with the items in store, and checked safety ratings. I put some work into this. A lot of work really. I also tried to find things that would match our decore. So calm, neutral earth tones. None of this loud crap. I also made sure I had items from $5 to $300. Something for everyone.

Not a single person, bought a single thing off my registry. Either registry.

Luckily, I did get some gift cards. So, we are taking those to get my stroller/carseat in the next week or so. Bad fetus is playing with my bladder. I don't need to pee, leave it alone!

They (my family and friends) did the same thing for my wedding. Nothing off those registries either. They just hate registries. Well, I am never making another one! Ever!

In my family, and the area I live in, you only have 1 baby shower unless you wait like 10 years for baby number 1, 2, 3, 4, so I will probably never have another chance anyway.

I did get some nice items and everyone respected my anti-pooh stance.

I feel like I should explain this to you.

Since 1997 when my cousin A was born, everyone I know (sans 2 or 3 friends in recent years) has done Winnie the Pooh. Those 2 or 3 friends, were all within the last 14 months. Before that, all pooh! YUCK!

So, Pooh reminds me of babysitting, then of crappy unoriginal friends, then of infertility. Watching all these parents with their POOH crap stroll on by to the land of parenthood while I sat helplessly waiting. Pooh hurts me. Like the idea of Huddy in a POOH stroller or carseat with POOH blanket, actually makes me a little nauseated. It must be an infertility thing. Either way, I was given 1 POOH bottle as a joke. I refuse to look at it. Huddy has not healed me completely, even though I am now extremely confident in the fact that I WILL be getting a baby. Perhaps some things cannot be healed?

I am very excited to put together what items we did get. Huddy is too. He started kicking George's butt at 6 am. George is still asleep. He apparently doesn't realize that Huddy knows he got gifts, and he wants me to play with them.

Huddy also wants breakfast. I want a pb&j on toast. But carbs. I should make eggs. But that is messy! Okay, it makes one pan. But that is 1 pan more than my pb&j.

Off to figure this out....

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